On the 21st of October, I went to Italy. We reached the airport and our flight was at around 7 pm. When we landed in Italy I saw a huge difference, the first real one being that they drive on the right side and the driver’s seat is on the right side; this is opposite to the UK. After we reached a guest’s house I also noticed how the ambulance siren has changed. The Italian ambulance siren gives me nostalgia for when I used to live here. The place we first were in Bergamo.
2020 World Remember Bergamo most affected city by covid 19. On day 1 in Italy, we first went to the Italian supermarket esselunga which also gives me nostalgia because of how much we used to shop there. One thing that surprised me there is how there was a bar in a supermarket. You usually wouldn’t find this in the UK but what you would find are coffee chains in the big supermarkets, not a breakfast bar, especially from esselunga. So we ate our daily breakfast (also the cappuccino is nice here) and we just explored esselunga in general.
There were a wide variety of mouth-flavouring foods such as brioche and Italian pasta sauces. What I love about Italy is how tuna is incredibly popular here. In the UK you would rarely even find tuna and you would find tuna stored in just water. In Italy, you would find nice tunas which are stored in olive oil. Another thing I like about olive tuna is the various ways that you can eat it such as with bread or with pasta etc. For Bangladeshis, you can make tuna Vorta.
to be continue…..
Written by: Rafi Islam