Friday, October 18, 2024

Ishrak Turzo

Ishrak Turzo (born on 10 July 2009) is a Bangladeshi actor and model. He is the first son of Farjana Hoque & Oaziul Islam. He is also having one younger brother named Turno who reads in nursery; also a model and actor. Turzo started his journey in the media with a bit miracle. His mother played a role of a medium at the starting of Turzo’s career.He stepped in the media just at the age of 8.  His was introduced to media through the Drama “Shohor Theke Dure’’.

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Turzo and his Brother

Early stage of Turzo :

Turzo was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh but his hometown is in Mymensingh. His family stayed in Dhaka when he was in his mother’s womb and still now they are living in Dhaka. Turzo belongs from a joint family where he stays with his mother,father and grandmother. His mother is a designer as well as a businesses woman. His father is also a businessman. He used to read in the Vision Global school before class one.

Then he shifted to another school and now he reads in class  4 in Academia School which is situated in Gulshan. There is an unexpected coincidence at the beginning of Turzo’s career.Turzo’s mother worked as a costume designer in a drama from which she got introduced with the director Sayed Rinku. Then the director offered her for Turzo. Turzo didn’t complete any workshop or other formality for acting or modeling rather he explored his talents without any formal furnishing!That’s why Turzo directly appeared for audition for the drama to play the main character of Shuvro as the main character was of a child.

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Turzo and Rhiddhi

Turzo appeared two auditions in Duranta TV for this purpose but Turzo seemed very younger than the scripted main character Shuvro. But the intelligent director could invent some excellence in Turzo so he was very eager to make Turzo a part of his art. Thus he added a new character in his script named ‘Ayon’ only for casting Turzo in his drama.This is how Turzo started his career in 2018 through the Drama ‘‘Shohor Theke Dure’ which became a turning point of his career .

Shohor Theke Dure was a detective drama which was consist of 56 parts and Turzo played his role in 26 parts. In between he worked in an OVC ( Online Based Commercial ) of Datal hand wash which was regarding increasing awareness of cleanliness among the rural children and students. Its shot was taken in 300 feet. After finishing the shooting of Shohor Theke Dure, Turzo was invited in the first birthday of Duranta Tv. There director Shoumen Aich and Rokeya Banu just sat at the opposite side of Turzo’s mother. There Turzo got the opportunity of giving audition for a series named ‘ValobasharAloAdhar‘through the director Shoumen.

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With Family

Turzo got selection at the very first time in that audition among total 32 participants. There he started to play the role of a cancer patient named ‘Arko’ from October 2018.’Arko’ was the only child of a single mother and their struggle was highly highlighted in this series. He completed the shooting in 2020. Between this time he also attained in a one day drama for the National Mourning Day(15th August ), 2019. The name of this Drama was ‘Mriter Attohotta’( Suicide of Dead ) in which his co-artists were Tarin & Shatabdi Wadud. In this way the career chapter of 2019 began in his life.

After that he became the artist of a comedy drama of Eid-ul-Fitre in Dipto TV named ‘Oprio Otithi‘ in which his co artists were Nadia & Mir Sabbir. He also engaged himself in some TV Commercials which were of Bangla link named’ Beshi Beshi Khusite‘, Cocola Cupcake, Horlicks and Fresh Pen.Turzo took part in two documentaries in his career life . Among them first one was in 2019 and another one was in 2020.

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In a Drama

At the very first, he acted in a government Documentary which was based on the lifestyle of first film maker ‘Hiralal Shen’& it was directed by Jewel Shorif. In this documentary Turzo played in the childhood character of Hiralal Shen’s brother named ‘Motilal Shen ‘. It was a joint venture documentary of Bangladesh and Calcutta. Turzo is also expert in Dubbing. He is doing this for last two years.

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In a Photoshoot

Turzo dubbed the character Murad of the Turkish serial Fatemagul for last one year in Dipto TV. He also dubbed the character of Jubi in an animation cartoon in YouTube. In December 2019, Turzo was rolled in the character of Tota in the serial ‘Mecho tota Gecho voot’ which was an in house production of Duranta TV. In this serial Turzo just showed the finest level of his dedication and respect towards his work and responsibility. Cause the outdoor part of this serial was shot during the piercing winter in Nobogram, Manikganj for full one month.

After finishing it, he again took a bright part in some  Tv commercials which were of Gulf Oil Engine and another of Ruchi Chips (A production of AppleBox). In the TVC of Gulf Engine Oil, Sakib Al Hasan was his partner. Last year he also became the model of winter and summer photo sessions of some prominent clothing brands like Umbrella brand and La -rave brand. In 2020, Turzo made himself a part of thethe 2nd Documentary of his career which was about Gagan Harakara ( a Bengali Baul). In this documentary, Turzo played the role of Gagan Harakara’s Son. Recently BFDC ( Bangladesh Film Development Corporation )has published a list of primarily selected cast for the Biopic on Father of the NationBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. ThereTurzo will play the role of Sheikh Kamal in the biopic

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Hobbies and others:

Turzo has a passion of music and drawing. He got chance in “Chayanot“in this year for a graduation course of four years on music. He also has an interest in playing football. He used to play in the Youth Club. He is having approximately 32 certificates on sports till now. He obtains near about 80% marks in his academics. His mother’s dream is to see him as an aviator but his father’s dream is to see him as an actor. So it’s the question of time which one Turzo chooses to be.

Turzo was selected as top ten participants in Surf excel Art Competition as well. He listens to songs during his leisure. He loves to stay with his parents as he is blessed with supportive parents. All of the turning points of Turzo’s life became blessings for his career. It can be hoped that we may see our little talent Turzo becoming a dazzling light of Dallywood media in upcoming days.

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Fairuz Abontika
Fairuz Abontika
Student of Jagannath University and working as a Sub Editor of Teenagers
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