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Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer

Humayun Ahmed
Humayun Ahmed
No doubt Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer. When I was studying in Honors first year at Jagannath College, I first met Humayun Ahmed, the book through which I was introduced is called ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’. I was fascinated after reading ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’. I am very happy because I have never read a book like this before. After reading the book, I talked about it with my friend storyteller Shahidul Alam. Then he also reads the book and the two of us find out if Humayun Ahmed has another book.

At that time I was associated with the reading circle of Biswasahitya Kendra. Classic books were taught there, and they were discussed at the end of the reading. This was a discussion about books read every week. And at the end of these discussions, Abdullah Abu Sayeed would speak, then Abdullah Abu Sayeed would expand the boundaries of understanding as much as we understood about the books we read. So at one stage not only Humayun Ahmed’s writing, I read many more books at that time.

We can better understand that time and later, and it must be admitted that Humayun Ahmed had a great ability to tell stories. If you notice, whether it is a novel or a story, everywhere he is telling stories at every moment, creating stories in every chapter of the novel, creating stories within each character. This power was his. Coincidentally, for some time now I have been reading Humayun Ahmed’s latest novel ‘Deyal’ — Liberation War, Bangabandhu Assassination, before and after 15th August.

If the novel has been, has not been, where is the weakness, where is the strength, I would like to say without going into those discussions, there is an extraordinary story in each chapter of this novel. Wherever he is creating a character, or talking about it, he thinks of a story. And creating a situation in the mind of the reader that, to begin with, the novel must be read, must be finished.

Since I am writing about Humayun Ahmed today, I will not place him in the place of harsh criticism, I will just say that his infinite ability to tell stories is rare, at least in our country, in Bengali literature in Bangladesh.

Humayun Ahmed was very popular.No doubt Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer. But many judge the author based on whether the book is on the market. In fact, in my opinion, whether a book is cut or not, whether it is sold or not, a writer is not judged by all these. If you go to many countries of the world, you will see that billboard advertisement after billboard with books — there are bestselling writers all over the world, but literature cannot be considered only with popularity. I don’t think Best Seller Writer means he’s a great writer. We have confused the matter in our country. A bestseller is not a great writer.

All writers want to talk about life. Even after reading Humayun Bhai’s writings, we find that he also talks about life, the humor in his literature is extraordinary, but he always stays a little away from the seriousness that people have in their language, thoughts, and the thoughts or responsibilities that the writer has about them. I think so. After reading all his books, it seems that he went to a place with a sense of humor, a serious talk, but he avoided that place with a joke.

He did not deal with the deep places of our thoughts in life, he handled them, he showed us the way by creating new faces of human thought, he avoided them. He did not enter into many important thoughts of life. Great writers think deeply about those thoughts in our lives. But Humayun Ahmed did not do that, he skipped many serious issues with laughter and jokes. But it is also true that he has shown many aspects of our lives — the lives of boys, girls, people, especially the middle class.

Another thing is that those who are classics, the ones we read first, have to read, and inevitably — Manik, Bibhuti or Tarashankar, or Elias, or if we talk about Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, if we read their novels, the sentences are often quite long. Looking at Humayun Ahmed’s sentence, it can be seen that his sentences are not very long — it is important to think about shortening the sentence with a beard.

The fact that each of the great writers I mentioned, one sentence at a time, or sometimes more, has an effect on the mind of the reader. Trying to get into a long sentence by reading it over and over again, drowning in a thought, is a practice of thinking, but most of the time when the sentence gets shorter, if the reader gets the answer immediately, there is no room for his thoughts.
Great writers give us the opportunity to sink into that thought. Not only does it have to pass the reader, it also has to immerse the reader in a thought by holding the reader’s hand, and in fiction it is not done with short sentences. I must admit that he could have told a wonderful story, but after the end of the story, we should not be able to enter into any stability.
The thought that he would leave no stone unturned did not happen in my case after reading his book. And because he easily explained everything to the reader, but he gained readership in a short time. Humayun Ahmed easily gained popularity as he had to reduce the difficulty of the reader to read. Readers always have to take a preparation to read great writers. Apart from the classic writers, if we talk about Marquez at the same time, it can be seen that the reader gets a lot of thoughts when he enters into his story, the way to enter into the story is not very easy.
If the writer wants to go to popularity, if he wants to go to liquidity, that is a path, and if he wants to go into the deep exploration of life, that is also a path, the writer can always find a path as he wishes.Humayun Ahmed startles me, never thinks but does not give me stability. Don’t pull me, don’t grip me.But in the end I will say that there are many ways in art and literature. He became the king of the path that Humayun Ahmed wanted to take.Day by day I realized that Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer.

By: Parvez Hossain

Audio writing: Md. Masud Hossain

Favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed

Shakoor Majid

I have passed the age of wetting pillows by crying after reading books. After ‘Mem Saheb’, I was probably the first to be most fascinated by Rabeya Apa. That was Montu’s elder sister. Montu and I were 14-15 years old. Today i will discuss about the favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed. First time i feet that Humayun Ahmed wrote about us, the name of the book was ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’.

While i was reading full-length novels for the past two decades, I have not been able to read any novel from beginning to end. Because, whenever I stumble and stumble in the place of my faith while reading, I turn the book upside down, no matter who the author is.

But at that time ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’ convinced me. I thought I really had an elder sister, not my own sister, my mother’s previous daughter, Rabeya is her name. She is not getting married because her skin color is black, her father bought ‘Fair and Lovely’ for her. The eldest son of this family is Khoka. Khoka Bhai is older than me, but sometimes I thought of myself as Khoka and sometimes I thought of myself as Montu. I don’t have any elder sisters. But it seemed that Rabeya Apa was my elder sister. And at that time I myself wrote one or two poems like Montu.

This writer wrote another novel with the same character name – ‘Nandito Naroke‘. The events are also of this same family, but the story is different. Both of them looks good in equal rhythm. This love affair has not ended with the passing of my favorite age with any other new book by this author, although I have tasted almost all of his notable books. It was just amazing among all of his notable works. “Shankho Neel Karagar” is one of the favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed.

Written by: Shakoor Majid

The forgotten Kankaboti


Trailokyanath Mukherjee was born on July 22, 1848. In the history of Bengali literature, he is especially known as the creator of satire. Apart from his mother tongue Bengali, he was proficient in several languages ​​like Persian, Oriya etc. Among his books are Kankaboti, Bhoot O Manush, Fokla Digambar, Damrucharita etc.We will discuss about the forgotten Kankaboti.

Trailokyanath Mukherjee’s first novel — the novel can be read by intellectuals — was published in 1892, when he became a mature man, aged 45; At that time the novel created a wave of bizarre juices in the readership.


The question is how far the limits of human imagination can go, or how long the bizarre can be written indiscriminately. So that Trilokyanath has been surprisingly successful. However, the bizarre story told by Trailokyanath is not uncommon in Bengali society, but so is the style of Bengali storytelling.


That is why Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar’s ‘Thakurmar Jhuli (1908)’ still makes a strong impression on the minds of teenage readers. However, it is difficult to say why ‘Kankaboti’ is becoming a forgotten novel day by day. Although we can easily grasp the magical reality of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, we sit down to search for logic in the case of Kankaboti.


The experience of listening to the story of a Bengali reader begins with a fairy tale, but when you come of age, you may not feel like graduating from that juice, do you? The Palm Wine Drinkard (1952) by Nigerian author Amos Tutuwala (The Palm Wine Drinkard 1952) is the epitome of bizarre — the seed of the story in Lokkani ছি I can accept why Kankabati’s fate was not so auspicious!

After the publication of ‘Kankaboti’, Rabindranath praised it a lot, saying: ‘There is no doubt that we liked this novel in general. The author has very easily evoked our humor and compassion in simple language and unabashedly introduced your imagination.


The story is divided into two parts. The first part is about real events and the second part is about impossible strange juices. It is a work of special ability to write such strange fairy tales well. In the realm of the impossible, where there are no fixed rules and no marked highways, we want the quality to guide the voluntary imagination in a mysterious way.


Because no matter how outwardly inconsistent and strange the subject matter of the composition may be, in order to inculcate juice, it must be bound by the rules of literature. The very nature of the fairy tale, its childish simplicity, its undoubted faithfulness that the writer has been able to preserve, is not a matter of little praise to him. ‘

While reading Rabindranath’s ‘Kankavati’, I remembered an English book called ‘Alice in Wonderland’; ‘She is also the dream of such an impossible, unrealistic, funny girl. But there is no such close conflict between the real and the unreal. ‘ The last sentence of Rabindranath has the qualities of becoming a novel of ‘Kankavati’. That is, the clash of the unreal with the real. We have to diagnose this conflict now.

The novel revolves around the public life of a village called Kusumghati. The resident here is Ramtanu Roy, whom people call Tanu Roy, who is an opportunistic Brahmin. He married his two daughters to two old men out of greed for money, and he considered this work scriptural. As usual, the two daughters returned home as widows.


The one who sits and destroys food is angry. Another son follows his father. The youngest daughter is Kankavati. That birth is incomparable in form. Their neighbor Brahmin Shivchandra Mukherjee is educated. Lives in Calcutta. The author introduces him in this way, ‘He used to read in sorrow and relieve the next sorrow as much as possible.


He gave food to many people and paid for the education of many boys. Such a person does not have money in his hands. Khetu is what is meant by an ideal child. Although many people backed away from their grief, Ramhari came forward to help and took Khetu to Calcutta for education. Khetu is a good student as usual. Snacks save money.

Kankabati’s mother came to accompany her mother. Sometimes leave the girl with him. He took care of Laxmimanta girl.

Another Niranjan poet from Kusumghati. Who is a scribe. He left the students at home and gave them food. The subject has no interest in property. Zamindar Janardhan Chowdhury intended to take away five bighas of his fifty bighas of land. Niranjan burned his land deed in front of the zamindar in a tobacco container and said, ‘Why only five bighas?


From today, my entire Brahmottar land is yours. He who has given life will feed Niranjan. ‘Niranjan accepted the abysmal path of poverty. Her students leave her shelter. Tanu Roy’s dispute with Niranjan is about scripture. He has become an enemy by challenging Tanu Roy’s opportunistic scripture.


Khetu came home on holiday and fell in love with the child Kankavati. Bring books for him. Teaches reading etc. Emotions and love developed between them. So that Khetu’s mother and Kankabati’s mother have indulgence. But Tanu Roy wants to marry Kankabati to old zamindar Janardhan Chowdhury out of greed for money. The wedding day is also right.

In the meantime, the zamindar kept Khetu in solitary confinement for eating ‘ice’ like the masters in Calcutta. In alliance with the zamindar are the gang members of Thangare (murderer), Ghandeshwar (alcoholic) and others.

Kankabati’s body became unbearably burnt as the wedding day was fixed and the grief of losing Khetu was felt. He went in the middle of the river by boat and dived to cover his body. Finding her, river fish, crabs, turtles, i.e. aquatic animals make her the queen.


His palace is a huge mansion. To make the queen’s royal attire, Kakra takes Kankavati to the tailor, with a sack of money behind the tortoise. This is the beginning of Kankabati’s magical journey. During the journey we see Kankabati getting married to a tiger. The tiger that is his farm again, that lives in a wonderful palace at the bottom of the hill.


When he goes out, he becomes a tiger. Kankavati lives with her husband in that palace. Khetu died. Then began the various activities of various characters including frogs, mosquitoes, elephants, khokkas, moons, stars, ghosts to save him. Kankavati goes to the sky and cuts from the root of the moon to a raised root. The description of bizarreness seems to exceed the limits of human imagination. There are many stories hidden in one story like the Arabian Nights.

The harsh reality through which the novel begins to move is a film of the social reality of nineteenth century Bengali novels. But the specialty of Trilokyanath is that he takes the reader beyond the realm of reality into the world of magic or a fantasy. The same fate befell all the other novels of that time in Kankavati, but it transcends strangeness. That is why ‘Kankavati’ cannot be called a fairy tale in simple words. ‘Kankavati’ may also give a new direction to Bengali novels in the future.

Abdush Shakur lamented, ‘Trailokyanath Mukherjee, this immortal storyteller of Bengali language, is almost dead today, less than a hundred years after his great love, he has been forgotten for a long time. This untimely death of the immortal writer but not the fault of the writer.


Then who is to blame? Professor? Professor? Publisher? Readers? Whoever is at fault, the fault must be removed. Because, the unforgettable work of Trailokyanath Mukherjee (1847-1919) has been perpetuated in the novel Kankavati, in the beginning of the pearl-garland in the various narratives of ghosts and people and in the impeccable storytelling of Damru-charit.


Fables have become metaphors among them. The characters have become symbols one by one. The joke has taken the form of a slanting critique of contemporary national life. ‘

Abdush Shakur did not explain in his writing why Trailokyanath remained unread. However, Professor Anisuzzaman blamed a kind of indifference on the part of previous writers. But now is the time for a new search, when the readers of the new age have become acquainted with the writings of Amos Tutuwala, Marquez or Naguib Mahfuz.

Written by: Shuvro Shahed


It means more than I can imagine

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenager who has become a symbol of the climate movement. He recently won a prize worth one million euros from a human rights organization in Portugal. She has donated about 98 million EUROS in Bangladeshi currency for the welfare of the people. She Said that It means more than I can imagine.Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (Swedish: [ˈɡrêːta ˈtʉ̂ːnbærj]  born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish environmental activist who has gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from climate change.

“It means more than I can imagine,” Greta Thunberg said in a video message online Monday. The entire amount of the award will be donated through my foundation to various organizations and projects that are working to help people affected by the climate crisis and environmental crisis.
Greta Thunberg was recently awarded the Gulbenkian Prize in Portugal. Greta Thunberg said the prize money of one million euros would go to Brazil’s Friday for the future. The group is working to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Amazon region.

The Stop Ecoside Foundation will receive another one million euros. The group is working to demand that the destruction of the environment be declared an international crime.

Earlier, the 18-year-old had won Amnesty International’s top human rights award, the Swedish Right to Livelihood Award.

12 year old boy has written 135 books


Mrigendra Raj a 12 year old boy has written 135 books including 51 on Ramayana characters.Mrigendra Raj a twelve-year-old boy from Ayodhya has written as many as 135 books in the genres of religion and biographies of famous personalities. He started writing at the age of six only. The World Record University in London has invited him to do a Doctorate. This young author has four world records to his name and goes by the pen name of ‘Aaj ka Abhimanyu’.

Raj has written books on 51 characters of the epic Ramayana and said that he has analyzed 51 characters of Ramayana by studying the epics. He put that knowledge into his books and the length of his book ranges between 25 and 100 pages.

Raj’s father works in the sugarcane department and his mother is a teacher in a private school. He has also written a biography on Yogi Adityanath the current Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister.

Mrigendra Raj said he started writing books at the age of six and his first one was a compilation of poems.

He uses the pen name of ‘Aaaj Ka Abhimanyu’ and already has four world records to his credit.

“I have written books after analyzing 51 characters of the Ramayana. Each of my books runs into 25 to 100 pages. I even received an offer from the World University of Records in London for doctorate,” he says.

His mother who is a teacher in a private school in Sultanpur says that her son developed a keen interest in writing and she encouraged him. His father is an employee in the state’s Sugar Industry and Cane Development Department.

About his future, Raj said that he would like to become a writer when he grows up and write maximum number of books on various subjects and genres.

Ratargul Swamp Forest


Ratargul Swamp Forest is a freshwater swamp forest located in Gowain River, Fatehpur Union, Gowainghat, Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Government of Bangladesh.

Its area is 3, 325.61 acre including 504 acre declared as the animal sanctuary in 2015. It is known as the Sundarbans of Sylhet. This only swamp forest in Bangladesh is located 26 kilometres (16 mi) far from Sylhet. The forest’s name comes from the word, “Rata” or “Pati” tree, used by the locals of Sylhet.

Enjoy the Bisnakhandi charms of high mountains, sinuous rivers, graceful waterfalls, and dancing clouds.Start your day early in the morning as you meet your private tour guide in your hotel lobby. Departing from Sylhet, your journey begins with a leisurely drive by picturesque rice paddies fields. After arriving at Ratargul Swamp Forest, you will board a boat to explore one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world.

The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry (Govt. of Bangladesh). The evergreen forest is situated by the River Grain and linked with the Chengir Khal canal. Most of the trees that grow here are Koroch trees. The forest goes under 20-30 feet of water during the rainy season. For the rest of the year, the water level is about 10 feet deep variously.

Continue to Bisnakhandi where many layers of the Khasi mountain meet at a single point from both sides. Flowing from above is a high waterfall. Adding to its charm are dark clouds hugging the mountains during the rainy season. Flowing underneath towards Bholaganj is a branch of the Piyain. Along the stream, flowing from high up in the mountains, come huge boulders that are deposited and mined in Bisanakhandi.

An exceptional place to visit. One of the very few swamp forest in Bangladesh. It’s a must place to visit for tourists. The best time for visit is rainy season from June to September. Ratargul forest still awaits co-management system

This forest is engulfed with freshwater in most of the seasons. This evergreen forest gets over flooded during the rainy season. Different local fish are available here. It’s the terrain of different creatures’ like snakes, monkeys, lizards, insects & birds.

You may also see vulture and Eagle. Some parts of this forest are very small, so boat ride would be tough. However, it is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Government of Bangladesh.

This evergreen forest is situated by the river Gowain and linked with the canal named Chengir Khal. Most of the trees grow here are Pongamia pinnata (Koroch tree). The forest goes under 20-30 feet water in the rainy season. Rest of the year the water level is about 10 feet deep.

How to go

Three type of transportation mode is available towards Sylhet from Dhaka. You can get in there by bus, train or air.

It is approximately 18.7 km away from Sylhet. You may take bus or CNG auto rickshaw and head towards Saklutikor road. Take rickshaw to reach there. After reach at Sylhet You can go to Ratargul by CNG for economy trip or by Noah/Car . CNG cost 800 tk Round trip Noah cost 3000 tk round trip. Car cost 2000-2500 tk .and boat 700-800 taka .

You can hire a local micro bus from sylhet city, they will take to ratargul.Takes about 60-70 minutes. Time required is more than two hours. you should hire the micro for the whole day, if you leave micro after reaching there, it will be difficult to get another one.

The micro can go up to hadarpar, there after you need to hire a engine boat. you may also avail the public engine boat to reduce costing. engine boat may take 1000-1500 tk for round trip.


Where to Stay

There are a number of good quality hotels in Sylhet town. Most of those are at the Mazar road, Amberkhana, or in Zindabazar. A brief list of hotels is given below:

  1. Hotel Eastern Gate & Panahar Restaurant.
    2. Hotel Gulshan.
    3. Hotel Dargah View.
    4. Greenland Hotel & Restaurant.
    5. Hotel City Link International.
    6. Surma Valley Rest House.
    7. Hotel Baharain Residential
    8. Hotel Qureishi Residence.
    9. Hotel Ajmeer.
    10. Hotel Payra.
    11. Hotel Supreme,
    12. Hotel Palash,
    13. Hotel Western,
    14. Hotel Anurag,
    15. Hotel Al-Amin,
    16. Hotel Garden’s Inn,
    17. Hotel Ferdous,
    18. Hotel Panama,
    19. Hotel Green,
    20. Hotel Hilltown,
    21. Hotel Rose View,
    22. Hotel Star Pacific,
    23. Hotel Tajmohal.

Things to do

  1. Enjoy boat trip.
  2. You’ll get the flavor of Amazon forest here.
  3. See different types of animals those can’t be seen otherwise.
  4. Observe the natural beauty of forest.

Eating Facilities

You’ll find all types of food in Goain Ghat. You can also have lunch or snacks at Nazimgarh resort. You may also look out for local restaurants available.

Travel Tips

You have to report and take permission from the forest office first before entering the forest, and request them to arrange a boat. You should not take any boat from outside. It may have the risk of hijacking with unknown boats.73 species of plants could be found in the forest till now. 80 percent of the forest area is covered with umbrella of the trees.

Two layer of plants can be seen in the swamp forest. The upper layer consists of trees and the lower one consists of intense Schumannianthus dichotomus. The canopy of the plants spreads up to 15 meters of height.

Though the forest is natural, the Forestry Department of Bangladesh has planted some watery plants like Calamus tenuis, Neolamarckia cadamba, Barringtonia acutangula, Calamus tenuis. Banyan Tree is very common in the forest. Besides that, Barringtonia acutangula, Millettia pinnata, Crateva religiosa or Hygrophila (plant), Alstonia scholaris can also be seen.



Mirza Shayan

Mirza Shayan
Mirza Shayan

Mirza Shayan is a Bangladeshi model and child television actor born on April 30, 2013, in Dhaka. His full name is Mirza Farhan Ul Haque Shayan. Mirza Shayan is also known to have acted in various television commercials.

Mirza Shayan
Mirza Shayan

Mirza Shayan, the child actor, is also a Model and pursues his education at Monipur High School. His nickname is Shayan. Mirza Shayan is one of the youngest child artist of Bangladesh.

He has gained popularity in Television Drama, Advertisements, Photoshoots and other Modeling Sectors. In addition to modeling and acting, he has a variety of talents that one constantly bringing his more success.

Born and Brought up:

Mirza Shayan was born on April 30, 2013, in Dhaka. That is he was born in a hospital in the capital city. Mirza Shayan currently lives with his family at Monipur in Mirpur, Dhaka. In his family, he has his mom, dad, and an elder brother who is an eighth-grade student.

His dad’s name is Mirza Sazzadul Haque ( Biplob). He is a Pvt. Service holder (Independent Media) and her mom’s name is Farhana Haque. She is a teacher at Ikra International School, Dhaka.

Mirza Shayan
Mirza Shayan with Simrin Lubaba & Riaz

Education and others:

Seven-year-old Mirza Shayan studies in first grade at Monipur High School (Main Campus). Shayan is impossibly a favourite student of his school teachers. He did participate in various school competitions and won many prizes.

Favourites and Hobbies & Achievements:

Travelling, Modeling, and Singing is his most important Interest. Shayan’s favourite colour is White. His favourite food is Pizza & Sharma, also a favourite flower is Rose. Mirza Shayan loves to watch horror movies. His favourite place is the largest sea beach Cox’s Bazar. His favourite person is his only brother beside him, mom and dad. Shayan loves to play free fire and PUBG on mobile. He utilizes his leisure time for his work the most. Acting is very important to him. So, he practices acting in his free time. Besides this, he loves to sing, do poetry, reading books, watching TV, helping his mom in hands also playing with his elder brother. He got first prize in a sports competition and second price in a singing competition.


Acting and Modeling Career:

Mirza Shayan
Mirza Shayan with Ifra Tehzib

Shayan started his journey in media at his early age on 2nd June 2019 with a TVC of product “Run Out-” under director Adnan Rajvee. Since then he called up for various types of media works and then he never looked back.

Shayan is very much devoted, dedicated, and enthusiastic for his each and every works. Shayan always trying his best in his every work like modeling, Photo Shoot, or Sports. Day by day he is becoming the most adorable and acceptable Child Artist in Bangladeshi Media.

In his current short career he spectacles a lot of artistic, imaginative, inventive, creative, and innovative in his works in the media. He always tries to show a state-of-the-art style in his every works in the media line.


The little Prince named Shayan entered the media holding his mother’s hand. And the most inspiring people of his life is his fathers and elder brother. He made his media Debut in acting and modeling through TVC on ” 2 June” in 2019. From very earlier he used to perform in stages as well. His first TV work as an artist and model for advertisement was started in 2019.

Shayan has done various advertises as well. He expects to work something more like this. As a Future plan, he wanted to be with the media till his last. He wants to work for the industry as long as he could. Also desires to be a Doctor

Mirza Shayan
Mirza Shayan with a Co-actress

List of Shayan’s Work:

  • Burger Paint (TVC) – my first work -02.06.2019- Director: Adnan Rajvee
  • Marks Young Star Milk (TVC)- Director: Bipul
  • Surf Excel- (OVC) – Bipul
  • Akash DTH (TVC)- Adnan
  • Nerolac Paint (TVC)- Bipul
  • Nasir Glass (TVC) – Jewel (Singer also)
  • Petro Max LPG ( Photo Shoot)
  • Pran Sauch- (TVC)
  • Pran Juch (OVC)
  • Speed Drinks (TVC)
  • Singer Fridge (TVC)
  • Pran Group (Photo Shoot) for 21.02.2020 (P.Alo & D.Star)
  • Le Reve (Photo Shoot) – 4 times
  • Noodles (Photo Shoot)
  • Pasta (TVC)- Bulbul


Although he is very quiet, he is not afraid in front of the camera. So from the very beginning, he got a lot of interest in acting and everyone appreciated it. Earlier, —-also recited some songs and poems. Wants to be regular in front acting.

Fahim Saleh

Fahim Saleh

Fahim Saleh was one of the founders of the ride sharing app called ‘Pathao’ which is very popular in Bangladesh. Another is Hussein M. Elias. ‘Very few people have succeeded so quickly or at such a young age. This is because he was a very energetic and hardworking man, Hussein Elias told BBC Bangla. He studied Information Systems at Bentley University in the United States. Fahim Saleh, who was murdered in his own apartment, grew up in New York, and was a website developer by profession.

The media there has identified him as a ‘tech millionaire’. ‘He started working at a very young age. He started working in America in the field of IT from the age of 15/16. As a result, when he came to Dhaka in 2014, he was already known in the world of technology, and that is for his work, ‘said Mr. Elias.

Before the establishment of Pathao, Fahim Saleh opened two companies in Dhaka, one of which was a hackhouse and the other was an office in Banani. A total of three people, including Hussein Elias, came to work here and started sending app-based ride-sharing companies.

There were initiatives and thoughts in different countries

Fahim Saleh created the and AIMDud websites for young people. He started working at the age of fifteen and gained a lot of fame in the entrepreneurial world. He was also an entrepreneur of Adventure Capital Global. Mr Ilyas said Fahim Saleh was always thinking of doing something new based on technology. “At one point he gave up his share of the ship, because at that time he was very enthusiastic about what could be done in Africa and Latin America.”

The Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), a Bangladeshi technology organization, says Fahim Saleh has launched another ride-sharing platform in Nigeria, Gokada, in addition to Bangladesh’s ride-sharing services.

Don’t follow money, let him follow you

Fahim Saleh wrote on his blog, ‘Don’t follow the money, let it follow you’.

He writes that when he first started Internet games, his goal was to reduce costs. ‘Why would we hire someone from the United States when there is an opportunity for outsourcing! Why buy a premium server, when it is working well! Why take the office, when going to work from home! But when we look back, we realize that we have limited our growth.

In the context of his first web venture, Visitin Inc., he said that if it were to grow properly, it would be like a world-famous jigna or slide. In 2005, there was a potential for a network of at least 15 sites, Wisdom Inc.

Invest in the company as much as you can, get paid as much as you need, then invest more and most importantly, don’t follow the money, let him follow you. ‘

Projects and investments

In addition to app-based ride sharing or website networking in various countries, the projects he mentions on his blog are: PrankDial (sending funny calls to friends), Dollspot (kids mobile-based gaming site) and Hackhouse (Dhaka-based venture). . Further investment was in Ninja Fish Studios. It is a children’s mobile gaming company. The Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) says the death of Fahim Saleh has not only lost the country’s IT industry to a successful entrepreneur, but also to the country’s young startup entrepreneurs, one of their inspires and pioneers.

Source: BBC Bangla

Story of a brave brother

jabed iqbal

Today we will tell the story of a brave brother who sacrificed his life to save his sister. The name of that brave brother is Jabed Iqbal. Our humble tribute to this brave brother on behalf of the teenagers. May Allah grant him Paradise. May such a bond of love between brothers and sisters spread among all. Let the brother keep his sister safe from danger.

Jabed Iqbal, 24, hails from Chatkhil upazila in Noakhali. Living with relatives in Clementon City, New Jersey. On Sunday afternoon, July 12, he went to Ocean City, near his home, with his younger sister and other family members to take a bath. At that time the sea water was turbulent. The current of water dragged Jabed’s 18-year-old sister. He did not know how to swim. So Jabed went to rescue him. After the sister was somehow pulled to the shore, a strong current pulled Jabed. Jabed sank into the deep sea.

Eventually the coastal police were informed of the matter. Jabed’s brother Md. After they tried on Monday. He told Khalil about their frustration. Five days later, on Saturday morning, July 17, while fishing in the Great Harbor estuary between Longport and Ocean City, a corpse floated in a fisherman’s net. Fishermen immediately called 911 and the nearest fire department office. Divers came and recovered the half-dead body from the net.

Later, the Southern Regional Medical Office confirmed that it was Jabed’s body. Coastal police officials say the sea is becoming increasingly unrecognizable due to strong waves. That is why people are not allowed to go to sea. However, some people are coming to take a bath without the attention of the naval police and are having to suffer from such a tragic situation.

However, the locals complained that the notice of ban on bathing in the sea had not been seen before. The notice was hung after Jabed floated in the water.

Monroe’s untimely death is still a mystery

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

American actress, model and singer Marilyn Monroe. She became a major sexual symbol of her time. She once faced a scandal by taking nude pictures. The blonde also fell in love with US President Kennedy. Monroe’s untimely death is still a mystery. Alauddin Majid has made a report about this

Who is this Monroe?

Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, model and singer who became famous for her role as the comedian ‘Blonde Bombshell’. She became a major sexual symbol of her time and starred in a significant number of commercially successful films in the 1950s and 1960s. Monroe was one of the top actresses in just a decade, her films grossing ২ 200 million (equivalent to ২ 2 billion in 2016) by the time she died in 1982. Even after more than half a century, She has still captured the hearts of the world as a popular culture icon.

He spent his childhood in Shishupalli

Monroe’s other names are Norma Jean Mortensen and Norma Jean Baker. She was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, USA. She grew up in Los Angeles. Her father Gladys worked as a film negative cutter in the Consolidated Film Industry. Monroe spent most of her childhood in Shishupalli. She was working in a factory as part of a war effort during World War II.


On her 18th birthday on June 19, 1942, she married James Jim Dougarty, an employee of the Aircraft Plant. Then Monroe dropped out of school and became a housewife. Later she said in this context, her life was neither unhappy nor happy as a result of marriage. “My husband and I rarely talked to each other,” she said. It’s not because we were angry at each other. We had nothing to speak about. As a result I was uncomfortable.

Acting and production

Monroe’s acting career began in 1947 with modeling. In modeling, Monroe brings a hint of platinum white to her brown or brownish hair, which can be called her trademark. And her new name is Marilyn Monroe. 1945 Monroe began her career as a successful pin-up model in the First Motion Picture Unit. She was later signed to Twenty Century Fox and Columbia Pictures in 1948, and was first seen in two movies. In 1949, Monroe returned to modeling. She signed a new contract with Fox in 1950 and made her acting debut in the film All About Eve.

The famous film ‘The Seven Year Itch’ was released in 1958. For the next two years, she acted in a number of comedy roles, including ‘As Young as You Feel’ and ‘Monkey Business’, and in the drama films ‘Class by Night’ and ‘Don’t Bader to Knock’. Became popular. The biggest box office success of her career was The Seven Year Inch (1955). In 1954, she set up her own film production company. She won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role in Some Like It Hot (1959). Her latest theatrical film, The Misfits, was released in 1981.

Naked in the face of scandal

Monroe took nude photos and faced scandal. Before becoming a star, she worked as a model in nude photography, which increased the audience’s interest in her films. In 1953, as one of the most popular stars in Hollywood, Monroe appeared in the lead role in the film Noah Niagara, which established her sexual appeal as the star image of the dumb blonde.

Homosexuality and divorce

Monroe has been married three times in her short life of 36 years. Her list of lovers included Frank Sinatra, James Jim Dagarthy, and John F. Kennedy.

She lived a life of drug addiction, depression and anxiety. Her marriage to retired baseball star Joe Dimagio and playwright Arthur Miller was discussed. There are reports that Marilyn was gay. Marilyn said she had sex with girlfriend Natasha.

Kennedy love episode

Monroe had more than a love affair with US President John F. Kennedy. The book “This Few Presses Days: The Final Year of Jack with Jackie”, published in the United States, states that Monroe believed in her heart that the president would leave his wife and marry her. That’s why she used to ask her friend Jenny Carmen, “Can’t you think of me as the First Lady?” The book claims that Kennedy was working behind the scenes with the Communists to assassinate Marilyn Monroe. Monroe’s assassination was later dismissed as a suicide.

Murder or suicide?

On August 4, 1972, Monroe reportedly committed suicide by taking extra sleeping pills at her home in Brent-wood, Los Angeles. She was only 36 years old then. Although the court initially cited suicide as the cause of her death, several writings in the decades following her death described the death as a conspiracy. Kennedy’s involvement in the death was also publicized. However, Monroe’s death is still a mystery. The entanglement did not open.


There was a good man in this town

Anisul Haque
Anisul Haque

There was a good man in this town his name is Anisul Haque. He wanted to make the city beautiful, clean, and suitable for human habitation. The city will be green, there will be playgrounds for children, sidewalks will be empty, there will be separate lanes for bicycles, there will be no garbage on the side of the road, there will be a bus terminal outside the city – these were his dreams. There was a good man in this town.

The man named Anisul Haque did not stop at just dreaming, he came down to the field with his waist tied in the urge to fulfill those dreams. Anisul Haque is not there now, she has the works left, she has her memory. Another election of the City Corporation was held, although the people of Dhaka did not have much of a headache about it, Anisul Haque is very relevant in the heart of Dhaka even after so long after her death. Is it so easy to forget the man who wanted to change Dhaka?

I was watching an old interview with him on Independent Television. During his two years as mayor, Khaled Muhiuddin appeared as the moderator. Abdullah Abu Sayyid was also present. After watching the 14/15 minute video clip, it seemed that we may not even know that we have lost the priceless gem!

Anisul Haque was a man, ignoring the bloody eyes of the influential who repeatedly drove bulldozers on illegal installations. But the same man thought while evicting the illegal hawkers from the sidewalk, if they are removed, maybe the stove will not burn in the house tonight, the children of the hawkers will go hungry.

The same man who risked his life to save the road to the Tejgaon track stand, never feared anyone, never thought of bowing his head, the same man who once again evicted illegal hawkers and became sympathetic to their pain, overwhelmed by the thought of their uncertain future! Such a strange mixture of tenderness and hardness is found in very few people. There was a good man in this town. Anisul Haque was one of those rare species.

Anisul Haque was not a man of politics. He was a TV personality, then an entrepreneur, turning himself into one of the most successful businessmen in the country. Leadership is part of his instincts, which is why the Prime Minister relied on him. He was given the responsibility of managing Dhaka North City. Then how many criticisms, how many questions, thousands of fears of the people. No one in Dhaka has been able to do the amount of work that Anisul Haque did in two and a half years, even after forty-five years of independence!

The road to the Tejgaon truck terminal was rescued only because Anisul Haque was there, no one else could ever do that. The sidewalks in Dhaka North are now suitable for walking, and disability-friendly sidewalks have also been created. Secondary transfer stations have been constructed at 52 places so that garbage does not accumulate on the roads. Discipline has come in waste management. Eleven modern public toilets have been set up, all of which are clean and hygienic.

The city of Dhaka was once plagued with billboards, the control of these billboards was in the hands of influential people, they could not be removed in any way. Anisul Haque came and demolished twenty thousand billboards, did not listen to anyone, did not listen to pleas, was not afraid of threats. Standing by himself, he removed the billboards in one place, no one dared to come and stand in front of him. The influential people of Bisha have melted like limestone in front of him.

U-loop or U-turn is being constructed across Dhaka to reduce traffic congestion, the work was started by Anisul Haque. In order to bring the public transports under one policy, he has run like a buffalo after eating at home, if he had not lost it prematurely, he might have done the same. That would put an end to the violence of the transport workers. He rescued the land he had occupied for forty-five years and demolished Monaim Khan’s house. We proudly say that There was a good man in this town he was a change maker.

Influential people occupied most of Gulshan Avenue, Anisul Haque has sweetly requested them to bring bulldozers to demolish illegal structures and take over the occupied land under City Corporation. He was changing the North City Corporation little by little every day. As long as he was in the north, the mayor of the south had to work for the sake of embarrassment. The work of the mayor of the south during the stay of Anisul Haque, and after the death of Anisuk Haque, the work will be clear only if the work of the south is matched.

Anisul Haque was a man who left his mark, took place in our hearts through work. No one survives forever, work survives. Anisul Haque did that. So when you hear the word development of Dhaka even after death, first of all, the face of Anisul Haque, who wanted to change this city, floats on the screen of the mind!

Written by: Saiduzzaman Ahad

Good days are returning to the garments

Good days are returning to the garments. This is a good news again in the country’s ready made garments sector. About 80 per cent of export orders canceled and suspended in March-April have returned. Foreign buyers are ordering exports. At the same time, he is coming forward to pay the arrears. Concerned parties believe that as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, the country’s ready-made garment sector has started to turn around again.
In this context, the former president of BGMEA Anwar ul Alam Chowdhury Parvez said, it is definitely a relief news for us. As a result, he hoped that the country’s overall export sector would turn around again. Bangladesh Chamber of Industries-BCI President Anwar-ul-Alam Chowdhury Parvez told that in the context of the epidemic coronavirus, the country’s main export sector, the ready-made garment industry, will see incredible growth in the future. With Christmas looming, international buyers are raising hopes.
If the fear is removed, the sale of garments will increase. International buyers are renewing canceled and suspended orders. Buyers are also taking interest in selling products ahead of Christmas. It is certainly positive for us. It is known that after four months, the global coronavirus infection has decreased and the panic in the public mind has also decreased. The industry has started to open in compliance with the hygiene rules. The world is trying to mobilize trade and commerce. Closed airspace has begun to reopen. 

Bangladesh’s export market is gradually becoming normal in European and American countries. They have started accepting most of the orders that were initially suspended and canceled due to the effect of Corona. Not only that, they are also coming forward to pay the arrears to the buyers. Although in this case they are giving some conditions. However, those concerned are continuing discussions with them.

Sources said that 80 per cent of the export orders canceled or suspended during March-April have already been returned. BGMEA is also negotiating or mediating with the buyers. However, even if the purchase order is returned, the buyers are fulfilling the conditions for payment. In many cases they take as long as six months or a year. Again some are forcing to give discounts. BGMEA says we are also in talks with them. Since the time is quite challenging.

So we also want buyers to survive. Sellers or producers are also fighting to keep the business afloat. Buyers want to export in the long run. They will not take any product even if ordered this year. Will take the product next year. This is also seen as positive for the export sector in the current situation.

Safiul Islam Mohiuddin, former president of FBCCI, told that he sees huge potential in the garment industry, the main export sector of Bangladesh, as soon as the world turns around to overcome the epidemic coronavirus crisis. Panic has hurt us more than corona. We will be able to make up for this loss. Corona’s panic is not over yet. However, international buyers of Bangladeshi garments have started opening their shops. Buyers like Walmart are opening up. But clothing retailers like H&M and Jesse Penny did not open.
Sources said that the coronavirus spreads throughout Europe and America throughout March and April. Every day there is an increase in the number of deaths with the infection. The situation is particularly critical in Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil and the United States. Although Italy, Spain and Germany have recovered somewhat, the situation in the United States is still dire. At that time, more than 300 European-American buyers suspended export orders worth  3.15 billion.

Bangladesh also opposes the cancellation or suspension of export orders. At that time letters were given to 41 brand companies. Apart from this, debates are held in various ways. As a result, the garment industry, the heart of the export sector in Bangladesh, fell into a severe crisis. The factory owners are also in crisis in paying the salaries and allowances of the workers. To control the situation, the government gave an incentive of Tk 5,000 crore to the factory owners only for the salaries and allowances of the workers.
Apart from this, the government also announced several incentive packages worth at least Rs 96,000 crore to protect the overall economy; Which is being implemented by the commercial banks of the country. In the meantime, the economic activities of the country have also started to move slowly. Sources said DBL Group is one of the largest exporters in the country. The company exports to several brands including H&M, Walmart, G-Star, Zara, Puma. When the coronavirus infection started, all but two brands canceled their purchases.
Now they are slowly coming back. The lion’s share has already returned. However, there are very few new orders. H&M, a Swedish based buyer, buys the most garments from Bangladesh as a single brand. It is learned that the company has not canceled any order and has not delayed the payment of any seller’s dues. Of the more than 5,000 H&M retail stores worldwide, 90 percent are currently open.

About 250 Bangladeshi exporters export about 3 billion a year to the brand. Now the buyers are taking orders from these countries next summer. Due to the corona, Bangladesh’s exports in the just-ended 2019-20 fiscal year decreased by 80 million or about Tk. 56,000 crore. Bangladesh has never had such a large export since independence. Meanwhile, the export target for next year has been set at 48 billion US dollars. The demand for Bangladesh’s export products is expected to increase further in the post-Corona period when new activities are started all over the world. As a result, it is possible to achieve this goal.

AKM Selim Osman, president of BKMEA, another garment industry owners’ organization, told that ready-made garment factories are slowly recovering from the ongoing corona crisis. Buyers are responding again. We are also reassured. The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is providing adequate assistance in overcoming the epidemic of corona virus. Although the Corona problem is not unique to Bangladesh; It is a global problem.

Eighth death anniversary of Humayun Ahmed

Humayun Ahmed
Humayun Ahmed

Today (July 19) is the eighth death anniversary of Humayun Ahmed, the celebrated storyteller and producer . This creator of Himu or Missy Ali who migrated to the land of no return on this day in 2012.

Although not like every year, limited number of families and fans will remember the day through various events, across the country. It is learned that due to the Corona period, a limited number of prayers are being organized this time in Netrokona, the birthplace of Humayun Ahmed and Nuhashpalli in Gazipur, the author’s favorite place. TV channels also have special programs on his plays, films, songs and literature throughout the day.

Humayun Ahmed has left fame in most branches of art and literature. His first novel, Nandit Naroke, published in 1972, introduced him. Then he wrote more than three hundred books. Almost all of which have received response from readers at home and abroad.

Humayun Ahmed enchanted the reader with literature on the one hand, and created all the unique dramas, films and songs on the other. Many artists of this country have got the respect of the star by holding his hand. In his creations, natural scenery, jochana, rain and the consonant of Chirchena nature of Bengal have come up.

Humayun Ahmed started making films for television in the early 1990s as well as writing and directing one popular drama after another. His first film ‘Aguner Parashamani’ was released in 1994. ‘Shrabon Megher Din’ in 2000 and ‘Dui Duari’ in 2001 were well received by the audience. He created ‘Chandrakatha’ in 2003.

Humayun Ahmed created ‘Shyamal Chhaya’ in 2004 in the context of Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971. It participated in the 2008 Best Foreign Language Film category at the Oscars from Bangladesh. It has also been screened at several international film festivals. In 2006, he directed ‘I have water’. He composed most of the songs for all his films.

His last film ‘Ghetuputra Kamala’ was released in 2012.In recognition of his work, Humayun Ahmed has received various awards and honors at home and abroad, including the Ekushey Padak and the Bangla Academy Award.

Humayun Ahmed was born on 13 November 1947 in Kutubpur, Netrokona. Father Faizur Rahman Ahmed was a police officer. He was martyred by the Pakistani army in the war of liberation. Humayun’s mother’s name is Ayesha Fayez. His two brothers Muhammad Zafar Iqbal and Ahsan Habib.

Meanwhile, his worthy successor Nuhash Humayun is praising the construction on the basis of Humayun Ahmed’s source.

Nilam Binte Ashraf Arana

Nilam Binte Ashraf Arana
Nilam Binte Ashraf Arana

Arana (

There are so many talented and brilliant child actor &actresses are engaged in the film industry in Bangladesh—“ Nilam Binte Ashraf Arana” is one of them. She repeatedly performed in TVC, OVC, and in TV DRAMA serial and also, she often involved in several ACTING, DANCING, LIVE PROGRAMS related works for the different products in Bangladesh..

Arana is very much devoted, dedicated, and enthusiastic for her each and every works. She’s always trying her best in her every work like modeling, Photo Shoot, dancing, Singing.

Day by day she is becoming the most adorable and acceptable Child Artist in Bangladeshi Media.

In her current short career, she spectacles a lot of artistic, imaginative, inventive, creativity and innovative in her works in the media. She always tries to show a state-of-the-art style in her every works in media line.

Birth, Family& Education:

Arana was born in 10th November, 2011. Her birth place is in Dhaka.She is the only & dear daughter one of her parents. By profession her father Ashraf Hossain is a Businessman and her mother Mrs. Kanta Ashraf is a house wife. Arana is very much adorable by her all family members. Al of her friends and teachers loves her so much and they always appreciate her in Modeling.Young actress Arana, currently studying in class 3 at Faizur Rahman Ideal Institute.


Award & Achievement:

Arana performed in many competition & also won in many programs.

Besides her education, Arana is trying to keep learning in dancing, singing, drama acting, drawing in different academy in Dhaka.

Currently she is engaging in dancing and drama acting in her school also. She is an all-rounder girl who is expert in many things like Swimming, Riding Bicycle etc. Cycling is one of her favorite things.

Sometimes she helps her mother in cooking food and others household works. Arana always trying to learn new things in her everyday life.

Career &Future Plan:

Arana started her journey in media at her early age with a dance program and then she started engaging in TVC. Since then she called up for various type of media works and then she never looked back.

Over and over again she signs up for different type of TVC, OVC, Drama for different products. Arana even act in the TVC/OVC of Fresh Tissue, Vaseline,and so on.

She wanted to be banker but also trying to be a model also by participating in various shows and programs.

Some work of Arana:

OVC:Saudia May Day (National Program).

TVC: Fresh Tissue, Vasline, Pran, Tata Tea, IFA Food Drink, Mineral Water, Ujjiben.

Drama:SomoyerGolpo, BunoHaansh, AajSukrober, Episode, Competition, Valobashar Choker Jol, SeshBikel.

Movie: JodiEkdin

Music Video: Paan, Amar Bangladesh

Fashion Show: Fakir Group Industry, Shoisob Bangladesh Kids Fashion

Live Programs:Janar Ache Bolar Ache, Super Kids Super Parents, Durdanto Kid Hour

Towards the end Arana always trying to do her best in her educational curriculum program. Her dream is to be a Banker. Beside this she would love to be an actress too.


EiPran Amar Bangladesh Music Video :

TVC,OVC& Others:

Dual currency cards are very important for freelancing


Dual currency cards are very important for those involved in freelancing, starting from online shopping. Many times it is not possible to get a credit card due to various complications and conditions. Prepaid cards are very useful for them. To this end, several banks in Bangladesh have introduced prepaid cards. We will discuss them today.

EBL Aqua Prepaid Card

EBL, the country’s leading bank, has introduced prepaid cards much earlier than other banks. EBL currently has two types of prepaid cards, Master and Visa.

Eastern Bank’s two popular card services for travel and online shopping lovers are Aqua Pre-paid MasterCard and Visa Card. This is a dual currency card which means you can keep both BDT (Bangladeshi currency) and USD in it. You can take this card by visiting any branch of EBL.

EBL Mastercard Aqua Prepaid Card is an EMV Chip card, bundled with a host of benefits. This will ensure more security, convenience and flexibility for making your everyday spending with a single card. You can avail this card from any EBL Branches without having any account. You can also reload money whenever it is necessary.


  • Dual Currency EMV Prepaid Card
  • Discount facilities at over hundreds of partnered merchants
  • Countrywide
  • Faster access to funds globally 24×7
  • International and local shopping
  • Banking without any bank account
  • Round the clock cash withdrawal facility worldwide at large Mastercard ATM network
  • Absolutely free Cash withdrawal from any EBL ATM
  • Accessing to shops & restaurants throughout the globe
  • Online bill payment facility
  • Absolutely free reloading
  • Transaction Alert

Quick Facts

  • Acceptance: Throughout the globe
  • Currency: BDT & USD
  • Validity: 3 years


  • Must be a Bangladeshi national
  • Minimum 18 years of age

Document Requirements:

  • Completed EBL Prepaid Card Application Form
  • Recent Passport Size Photograph of Applicant
  • Valid Photo ID (NID or Passport*)
  • Completed KYC Form

*Passport is mandatory for endorsement for International Transactions

*EBL reserves the right to request additional document(s) to ensure due diligence

SIBL Deposit

SIBL Dual Prepaid Card- Lots inside one

Social Islami Bank Limited has come up with a dual prepaid card by adding various benefits to make people’s life more enjoyable and enjoyable.

Easy to use at home and abroad, this card has been designed to be very customer friendly and timely. It is a dual currency pre-paid card that can be used in various e-commerce transactions including any ATM and POS terminal at home and abroad.
Through SIBL Dual Pre-Paid Card, students can pay their tuition fees at home and abroad as well as pay for IELTS, TOEFL, GRE etc.

There are also additional benefits for freelancers. They can easily pay for various services including registration or license fees of famous online companies including Google, Windows, Blackberry through SIBL Dual Prepaid Card.

Also various payments including online training, vendor certification program, website domain registration, hosting and cloud solution can be done effortlessly through SIBL Dual Prepaid Card.

Exim Bank Prepaid Card

We believe the best person to manage your money is you. With an EXIM Prepaid Card, managing your money doesn’t have to be complicated. Load the amount of cash you want onto your card, and you’re ready to spend. Make purchases online, pay bills quickly and easy, or shop at POS. Get an EXIM VISA Prepaid Card and keep your money where it belongs—in your pocket.

Why EXIM Prepaid Card?

  • EXIM Prepaid Card is a dual currency card.
  • It is available at any branch of EXIM Bank.
  • It can be uploaded from any EXIM branch with unlimited amount (Int’l part may load as per Bangladesh Bank Travel quota guideline).
  • No Profit, no penalty charges.
  • Bank account is not required.
  • Worldwide access to over 8.5 lac VISA branded ATMs for cash withdrawal and over 2.5 crore VISA merchants for purchase/shopping.
  • Online transaction facilities.
  • Unused balance is refundable.

Issuing fee,Security and Validity

  • BDT 300.00 + 15% VAT .
  • Validity is 5 years and the card is renewable for every year.
  • It’s a PIN-based card which ensures your card’s security during ATM transactions. And there are also a signature and photo of card holder which confirm the ownership of card to POS Merchants.
  • A 24-Hour priority Customer Service is available so that you can avail support and assistance anytime, anywhere.

Southeast Bank Ltd.

Southeast Bank Prepaid Card

A prepaid card and has been designed to give travelers a better alternative of carrying cash or depENDing on money exchange houses.Can be used for purchases at Merchants or withdrawal of cash from ATM Booths.Payment of international roaming bill of mobile phone.100% withdrawal of the deposit both at Merchant and ATM.Card issued only against previously deposited fund and may be issued for one time, re-loadable or renewal basis.

After returning from travel abroad, if any balance amount remains unutilized the same may be refunded. If any customer wants to retain his/her loaded amount for future trip, it may be adjusted or spendable in his/her next trip.Students and professionals can pay the following fees online using Virtual Card:Membership fee of foreign professional and scientific institution.Fees for application, registration, admission, examination (TOEFL, SAT etc.) in connection with admission into foreign educational institution.Visa processing fee.MDB Prepaid Card

Midland Bank Prepaid Card

MDB Prepaid Card is available in either our local currency or US Dollars at all branches of Midland Bank Limited for MDB customers as well as non MDB customers. This is a dual currency prepaid card which can be used according to Bangladesh travel quota allowance for hassle-free and convenient trips abroad.


  • Easy and fast processing: Readily available over the Cash Counter at all branches of Midland Bank Limited.
  • Dual currency card: Accepted at local and abroad.
  • Reloadable: At any Midland Bank’s cash counter, ‘midland online’ portal and by fund transfer through NPSB channel.
  • Convenience: Shop at millions of Visa merchant worldwide or at millions of online/e-commerce sites.
  • Empowerment: Sense of freedom and independence which comes with the power of the Visa brand
  • Eligibility: No need to have a bank account or a credit history (CIB report) to get the card.
  • Financial Control: Easier way to track personal spending.
  • Safety: Eliminates the risk of carrying large amounts of cash.
  • Security: Backed by EMV Chip & PIN.


  • No Issuance Fee.
  • No penal Interest charged on the money you spend.
  • No late charges.
  • No stress of carrying foreign currency.
  • Full cash withdrawal facility from Visa-Logo ATMs across the world.
  • Refund of unutilized fund through Account Transfer, ATM and BEFTN.
  • Free SMS alert for all transactions.

Zafar Iqbal will be remembered forever

Zafar Iqbal
Zafar Iqbal

Zafar Iqbal will be remembered forever. Zafar Iqbal is a timeless singer and actor’s favorite face. Thanks to the songs he has sung and the movies he has acted in, he is still in the hearts of the fans. This short-lived star will be remembered forever.

The hero goes to sing

Zafar Iqbal was spotted singing in a concert with his own band. Speaking of 1989. Khan Ataur Rahman, the proverbial man of the local film industry, was impressed to see him on stage during a song program. Then in 1970, Zafar Iqbal made his screen debut as a hero in his film ‘Apon Par’. A super-duper hit song of the film takes Zafar Iqbal to another level. The song ‘I opened the cage / said what I had to say’ sung by the late musician Bashir Ahmed in ‘Apan Par’ is still popular among the listeners.

Her role model is Elvis Presley

Good to play the guitar. His ideal star was King Elvis Presley of Rock n Roll. Daputa was a hero in the eighties. The most fashion conscious and stylist actor of his time. But the evergreen hero Zafar Iqbal was born in the world of music. He was supposed to be a singer. The band was his love. There are also albums by Zafar Iqbal. Zafar Iqbal was a guitarist before he appeared on the movie screen.

The band’s founder

Zafar Iqbal formed a band called “Rambling Stones”  in 196 with his friends Tota, Mahmud and Farooq out of love for music. At that time he became very busy with the band. In 1986, he took part in a competition at the Hotel Intercontinental. His band used to perform music at the hotel every Saturday and Sunday.

Singer without learning songs

His cultural journey began with music. However, he did not learn music from anyone. Growing up in the world of music, he could sing very well without learning to sing. Older brother Prominent composer Anwar Parvez and younger sister legendary singer Shahnaz Rahmatullah used to try to sing themselves. He learned to love the song like a sibling and started singing.

Different skills

Zafar Iqbal had different skills in playing guitar. Before passing SSC, he became proficient in playing guitar. Elvis Presley was his favorite artist. He used to play the guitar and sing Elvis Presley whenever there was an event at school. Growing up in a musical environment, Zafar Iqbal emerged as a musician. He used to play guitar with composer and music director Alauddin Ali.

Indira Road studio

At the Indira Road studio, he played the guitar to the tune of Robin Ghosh in the famous film director Ehtesham’s song ‘Pichdhala Ei Pathke Bhalobeshechi’. Playing the guitar piece of this timeless song. He has also composed music for many films. He also sang the song ‘If there is more infamy, I am no longer anyone’ in the movie ‘Badnam’ directed by Nayakraj Razzak. Nayakraj Razzak has composed this song under his own direction.

Apart from starring in Darashiko’s ‘Fakir Majnu Shah’, Zafar Iqbal also sang ‘Premer Agune Jwale Pure’ with Alauddin Ali’s melody and music directed by Alauddin Ali. He sided with Mohammedan by singing ‘Joy Abahani, Joy Mohammedan’ in Gazi Mazharul Anwar’s ‘Sandhi’.

BTV Musician

He has sung several songs in BTV’s ‘Anandamela’. In the mid-eighties, he released a solo album called ‘Ken Tumi Kandale’ with his own songs. On BTV, Zafar Iqbal performed ‘Sukhe Theko O Amar Nandini, Hoye Karo Gharni’. Zafar Iqbal sang on BTV’s Silver Jubilee celebrations, “What is the value of a heart for a heartless person?” Zafar Iqbal’s list of impeccable songs also includes ‘The way I live, I’m alive, life and death are close’, ‘Don’t finish, don’t play at the beginning, don’t break’, ‘From abroad to home’. He has sung about 200 songs.

Fashion icon

Zafar Iqbal was a full-fledged artist with a combination of voice, acting, fashion and style. He was considered a fashion icon of the youth in the eighties. The scope of his artistry is wide as an impeccable actor as well as a singer and stylish man. Hero-singer Zafar Iqbal is like an evergreen symbol. This heartthrob hero was the most fashionable and stylish among the heroes of that time. The scale of his popularity as a symbol of youth was heavy. His talking, walking, playing the guitar all caught the eye of people of all ages.

Freedom fighters

Zafar Iqbal took active part in the war of liberation in 1971. Just as he drove out the Pakistani aggressors with arms on the battlefield, so he enchanted the admirers with his acting, song and style magic in the shows of independent Bangladesh. Fans of the fascination that has not yet been released. Rather it has flowed to the new generation. This short-lived star had a profound effect on film lovers.

The buzz of love

Zafar Iqbal and Babita, a successful couple on screen, were rumored to be in love. They acted in about 30 films together. According to Babita, Zafar Iqbal’s house was full of pictures of him. He would not let anyone into the room. He only allowed Babita to enter the room. It is said that Zafar Iqbal fell ill due to excessive drinking due to broken love. Many people said that Zafar Iqbal sang the song ‘Sukhe Theko O Amar Nandini Hye Karo Gharani’ for Babita. Although neither Babita nor Zafar Iqbal ever spoke about love. Zafar Iqbal married Sonia out of love.

Movies starring

Zafar Iqbal’s first acting film is ‘Apanpar’. He acted in about 150 films. Notable films he has acted in are: Ordinary Girl, Etarup, Fakir Majnu Shah, Day after Day, Surya Sangram, Bedbin, Partner, Megh Bijli Badal, Dhan of Seven Kings, Blessings, Insults, A Handful of Rice, Change, CID, Light of Eyes, Housewife, Ogo Foreigner, Light of Eyes, My Friend, Stupid Heart, Brother, Boyfriend, My Love, Nawab, Resistance, Wreath, Dignity, Treaty, Attraction, Chobal, Bedbin, Miss Lanka, Order, Ogo Foreigner, CID, Waiting, Uthila, contribution, resistance, communication, ignorant heart, roar, thief’s wife, Lakshmi’s family, etc.

Memories of the last Movie

Zafar Iqbal’s last film to survive was released as ‘Lakshmi’s Family’. In this film, his lip-synching song ‘Azimpur Jaab Kise’ became very popular. Within a week of the film’s release, Zafar passed away. After his death, Zafar Iqbal did not have to look for Azimpur. Easily got there and fell asleep like forever.


Zafar Iqbal’s wife’s name is Sonia. They had two children. Loved one of the most popular heroines in the world of painting. But he was mentally disturbed not to get her in life. His family life did not get peace because of this disaster. Zafar Iqbal was emotionally broken due to the unrest. Drink alcohol, live an uncontrolled life. He later succumbed to cancer. His heart and kidneys were damaged. Popular hero Zafar Iqbal died on January 8, 1992. Zafar Iqbal, the protagonist of this life story, who passed away prematurely crying, is lying in eternal sleep in Azimpur graveyard of Dhaka.


Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University

Sher E Bangla Agricultural University
Sher E Bangla Agricultural University Academic Building

Today is the 20th founding anniversary of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. On 11 December 1936, The Bengal Agricultural Institute was established, the oldest school of agricultural education in the country. After that, it was changed under different names, and on 15th July 2001, it was upgraded to a full-fledged university. Despite a 20-year journey as a full-fledged public university, it has a long history of 72 years as the oldest higher education institution in the country.

Since its inception, the institute has been making special contributions in producing skilled agronomists, agronomists with theoretical and practical knowledge capable of carrying the responsibility of agricultural development of the country, and in proper promotion and dissemination of agricultural research. Although University Day has been celebrated in other years through various programs of the university administration and cultural organizations, the founding anniversary of the university is not being celebrated this time due to the crisis of the ongoing coronavirus worldwide.

Surrounded by greenery, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University is like a modern village in the heart of Dhaka. Nature lovers from Dhaka come here in search of fresh air. At present, the university has 4,604 students studying undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. courses under 4 faculties and 1 institute. A total of 322 teachers are engaged in teaching and related research in 35 departments under the faculties. There are a total of 5 residential halls for students.

Among the research works of the institute are anti-cancer vegetables Sau Tomatilo-1 and Sau Tomatilo-2; Mustard improved varieties of mustard-1, mustard-2, and mustard-3; High yielding varieties of maize Sow Hybrid Maize-1 and Sow Hybrid Maize-2; Exotic environment tolerant new varieties of foreign flowers Bangabandhu-1 and Bangabandhu-2; Potato and tomato varieties of the same tree; Foreign vegetable Brussels sprouts, saluk, selection of improved drinking varieties, invention of alternative BD Nira of garlic, successful research on microbial pathogens in animals is one of them.

On University Day, the students expressed their expectations, saying, “Every faculty has more or less session jams.” Then there was the fear of severe session jitters as there were no online classes in the epidemic corona situation. Moreover, there are various problems including classroom crisis, housing problem, lack of veterinary clinic, use of old equipment in research activities. I expect the university administration to take the necessary steps to solve all the problems. ‘

Welcoming the members of the university family on the founding anniversary of the university, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed said, ‘Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University is on its way to a modern university of advanced education, course curriculum and research. The university is currently working on a project worth Tk 392.06 crore. Work is underway to develop

various infrastructures on campus. Besides, research project agreements are being signed with different countries of the world. As a result, the global network of this university is being created with different countries. Work on 16 research projects has been completed.


Harshaali Malhotra


Harshaali Malhotra (born 3 June 2008) is an Indian child actress. She was born in Mumbai and is currently studying at Seven Square Academy. She made her film debut with a leading role in the 2015 Kabir Khan’s drama film “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” opposite Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.

Harshaali got a chance to act in Salmaan’s movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan when she was 6 years old. After her innocent and endearing performance in Bajrangi Bhaijaan.She played the role of Shahida (Munni), a Pakistani Muslim girl, who got lost in India, and traveled back to her homeland with the help of an Indian Brahmin devout Pavan Kumar Chaturvedi (played by Salman Khan).

Malhotra was selected out of the 5,000 girls Bajrangi Bhaijaan audition. The film was released on Eid ul Fitr, and became one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films, and Harshaali Malhotra was critically praised for her performance.

Ever since she made her debut in Salman Khan starrer ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, Harshaali Malhotra has been in the headlines for her adorable antics. Recently, the little house of talent took to social media and wished Katrina Kaif a happy birthday on her official Facebook page. As it so happened, she referred to Katrina as ‘auntie’ in the post.

This did not go down too well with the star’s fans and they ridiculed the child artiste, and this sweet gesture resulted in her finding herself at the receiving end of some malicious trolling. Some termed her as dumb while others stressed that she should have called her didi. But soon Katrina took notice of this and put an end to this trolling and thanked Harshaali for her wishes.

Family and Other Information:

Fathers name: Vipul Malhotra

Mothers Name: Kajal Malhotra

Brothers Name: Hardik Malhotra

Hobbies & Interest:

Harshaali Malhotra loves Dancing, Singing and Talking. Her Favourit food is Chocolate and Chicken. Salman Khan is her favourit actor & Katrina Kaif is her favourit Actress.

Career and Future Plan:

Harshaali Malhotra played the role of a mute girl in the film Bajrangi Bhaijan, but in her real life she is very talkative. Before this film, she acted in TV Serial like Zee TV’s “Qubool Hai”as Anjum Khan and in “Life Ok” Laut Aao Trisha”as Sanya in the year 2014. Harshaali Malhotra also acted in Sony TV’s famous serial “Jodha Akbar”. Harshaali Malhotra was initially casted in the film “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo”but she was dropped at the last moment. Harshaali Malhotra did some commercials for “Fair & Lovely, Pears, HDFC Bank and Horlicks. She wants to act in more good movies in the future.


Ayaz Mahmud

Ayaz Mahmud
Ayaz Mahmud

Ayaz Mahmud is one of the youngest Bangladeshi Child Model and Actor, Student of KG at St. Jacob’s School in the capital. You will be surprised to hear that Ayaz has been working since he was just one year old. Ayaz is the model of advertisement. Recently, the shooting of Robi’s TV advertisement has ended.


Ayaz Mahmud

Ayaz has done about 32 works including TVC, OVC photoshoot. Notable among these are One Bank, Bashundhara Cement, United Hospital, Symphony H400, Merrill Baby Lawson Special Offer, Diploma Milk, Pran Instant Frozen Food, G Gas, Science Box, BRAC Awareness Work, Olympic Oifer, Pran Group’s Refrigerator Special Offer, Pran Group’s Eid Happy Bazaar, Part 1 and Part 2. On the occasion of Father’s Day, Miniso also did a work in Bangladesh in 2019. Ayaz has been the model in the advertisement of Bashundhara Atta Maida Billboard.

Ayaz started modeling when she was just one year old. Through the advertisement of Neocare Baby Diapers. The shooting is at Coke. Ayaz was enjoying the beginning of the shooting. But in the scorching heat, the situation worsened and Vision cried. Although it was very difficult to shoot, the sequence of her crying was captured on camera. Do you know why? Kids are not comfortable in wet diapers for the scene. No work has been done since then.

Ayaz Mahmud shared his funny experience – people liked the advertisement of Emeryl Baby Lawson very much. Seeing that, many people used to make fun of me and tell me to sing .. No, you will not laugh. At that time my teeth fell out due to insects. So everyone was joking. But sometimes I was ashamed of the vision.
Ayaz says- Meryl Baby Lawson’s Sabrina Irene director Big Boss Aunt was a little scared while working. But now I am not afraid of the Big Boss. Ha ha.

Ayaz has just recovered from typhoid while working on a Symphony H400 ad, but according to him, it is normal for him to be tired, but there is no way to understand him at all. He has to wait a long time before the start of the shooting, all of which he spends through restlessness. Then when his shorts start and he is told to sleep with his eyes closed in front of the light camera, he really falls asleep and then falls into a deep sleep. Director Tito then took a break from shooting and was allowed to sleep. Shoot at the end of sleep.

Apart from acting as a model, Ayaz likes to play games on tabs, watch cartoons and watch ghost movies. I also like to chat with my dear friends on video calls. She likes to make new friends. Ayaz is always guided and inspired by his mother.

Ayaz says- I like acting. Because many call me cute. Many people like to listen to me. So many people will know me, will know me, will be my fan by looking at my work, thinking about all these makes me feel good to work, encouragement comes. I will go to America and advertise as a Bangladeshi model InshaAllah.


The most decorated mosque in the world


The most decorated mosque in the world Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran.In that mosque the color of the rainbow shines in the light of dawn.There are innumerable mosques in different parts of the world. Some of the prayer rooms of the Muslims have unique and outstanding features due to the design. Such is the case with the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran. From the outside, it looks like a convent, but the inside is very attractive.

It is one of the finest mosques in Iran. Every morning sunlight reflects all the colors of the rainbow on the surrounding walls, arches and spears. Glossy artistic stained glass has been used in the windows. It is through this that sunlight enters and illuminates the interior of the entire mosque in the colors of the vibrant rainbow. The mosque is a fascinating combination of many colors.

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque
Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

The Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque is known by various names. It is famous as ‘Pink Mosque’ i.e. ‘Pink Mosque’. Because pink tiles have been used more in the interior. Thousands of painted tiles can be seen on the surface.

Many also call it Rainbow Mosque and Kaleidoscope Mosque. It has many forms. There is a Persian carpet on the floor. The front of the mosque is decorated with various ornaments including herbs and flowers. There is a quadrangular pond in the front yard. Flower ceremony around it.

The mosque was built at the behest of Hasan Ali Nasir al-Mulk, one of the chiefs of the Qajar dynasty. It is thought to have taken about 12 years to build (17-18 years). It has seven wooden doors. The impression of Islamic art is clear in these. The floral designs on the walls of the mosque and the western architecture are an important feature of the mosque. This suggests that Western influence in Iran was widespread in the nineteenth century.

The mosque was designed by Iranian architects Mohammad Hassan-e-Memar, Mohammad Hosseini Shirazi and Mohammad Reza Kashi-Saj-e-Shirazi. Among them was the famous Iram Garden in front of the Mohammad Hassan-e-Memar Mosque.

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque
Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

People from different parts of Iran as well as foreign tourists are always flocking to the mosque premises to see the wonderful craftsmanship. Tourists from different countries including Europe come and enjoy its beauty. Very early in the morning when the sun shines in the mosque, they gather more. And then everyone tries to take pictures.

If you don’t visit the Pink Mosque when you visit Iran, there will be imperfections. I had this experience when I came to study medicine at Isfahan Medical University. Whenever I get a chance to study, I visit such places of interest in Iran.
The Nasir Al-Mulk Mosque is located in Shiraz, Iran, the capital of Fars Province, the birthplace of the great poets Sheikh Saadi and Hafiz. Here are the tombs of these two great figures of Persian literature. You can see them in addition to the mosque.

Travelers can easily reach Shiraz by plane, bus or train from Tehran, the capital of Iran. We can reach the Pink Mosque in five hours by bus from the city of Isfahan.

Written by: Kamruzzaman Nabil, Iran