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Positive change is needed to build a developed state


Positive change is needed to build a developed state

Bangladesh is a democratic country. Politics in this country was supposed to be a weapon of democracy, but politics is now being used for personal gain in many cases. In many cases factionalism, blaming each other has now become a daily routine. The two major political parties run like two parallel lines, while they were supposed to follow the same straight line.
The BNP and its leaders and workers who are out of power think that the people have nothing to do with the Awami League who is in power. On the other hand, those in power think that the people have left the BNP. Neither team has the will or the effort to fill this gap.
Independent Bangladesh was born with a dream. Bangladesh of that dream will be a state with bright potential in history, tradition and culture. In the fifty-nine years of independence, both the successes and failures of this country have been discussed. Politics is inextricably linked with the state.

Dhaka crippled as students' protests enter 5th day
Safe road movement

It is involved in all matters of the state, big and small. But it is a matter of regret that most of the youth are now averse to politics. Young people are a big part of the total population of the country. Those who think new about the country, society, economy, politics, want to build a happy, prosperous and non-discriminatory society. Where an honest and hassle-free state system will be built instead of corruption and subculture.

Only the young generation can expand the work with the power of modern thinking, thinking, building a Bangladesh free from unemployment and orthodoxy. And so there is a need for political awareness among the younger generation. As a developing country, Bangladesh is going through a fast-paced time. To take that time forward, the direct participation of all people in all fields is very important.

The youth can contribute the most there. In front of the present young generation of Bengalis there are some shameful social problems of the country, communalism, inequality, unemployment which is the complete opposite of 21st century civilization, modernity.

The pace of development of the state has slowed down as the interests of individuals and groups have grown away from the foundation on which the rise of independent Bangladesh took place, the practice of culture to which the war of liberation took place. Young people are creative, patriotic. It was these young people who set up the Ganajagaran Mancha to demand the trial of war criminals.Positive change is needed to build a developed state

At present, there are bipartisan circles in national politics, sometimes due to political shortsightedness, sometimes voterless elections, sometimes military rulers seize power through back door, and the overall development of the country has come to a standstill due to these political instability. Young people have a big contribution.

The direct a political depravity of the youth has hampered the practice of participatory democracy and is one of the reasons why undemocratic groups have been able to seize state power. One side says there is no political crisis in the country, the other side says Bangladesh is going through a political crisis. No one ever thinks about what the common people between the two think.
The only way out of the current political crisis in the state is to increase the participation of the youth in politics and create opportunities for the youth to participate in the running of the state. There is no denying that the seeds of communalism were sown among the non-communal Bengalis out of ignorance and political ignorance.
Young society has always turned the corner of politics. The revolution has come in their hands. But in the case of Bangladesh, if the recent time is framed, it seems a bit different. Sometimes you have to fall into hesitation. It seems that the old feudal pride is emerging in the use of people in positions of power and responsibility.
Safe Road Movement
Safe Road movement

There is no question about the speed with which the turn of the veterans can bring development in the field of politics. Everyone has seen their activities in the past years. So if we can put that same responsibility on the shoulders of the youth, we should create an opportunity to see how they can use the power of the youth to further develop the state and uplift the democratic system.

The word politics has become a lucrative business name for many nowadays. But the dream with which Bangabandhu called for independence was not supposed to happen anywhere. Bangladesh was born by breaking the chain of Pakistan from the British rule for human rights, minimum needs, social justice, human dignity. But even there, people’s reliance on food, shelter, health and education is on the rise, while people’s money continues to flow in unimaginable development expenditures and corruption, banks, share scandals in various ways.

To continue what the youth of this country have done in the historical tradition as partners of the younger generation; To prevent this disease, the deviation from the dream Bangladesh, in thoughts, at work, at home, in leisure, on the streets; Otherwise we may have to bear the burden of a rotting country and society.

When you go to TSC or fine arts, you can see pictures or tattoos of other revolutionary leaders including Che Guevara, Fidel Castro in bags, caps and notebooks of the younger generation. However, there is no direct interest in politics among those young people. As a result, a large part of student politics is being spread by some selfish people.
It is not possible for Sheikh Hasina alone to deal with them. The most urgent issues for the youth to practice healthy politics are free political practice in educational institutions, regular election of student parliaments and building cultural, social, political and democratic educational institutions in educational institutions. Although the system of student parliament elections has been closed for a long time, it has been introduced for some time but it has not raised hopes among the people.
There is also a tendency to show the influence of power.Where young people can have a big impact on the politics of voting, the participation of young people in running the government is absolutely disappointing. If the government was run on the basis of the views and participation of the youth in different sections of the state including the electoral system and the system of government, that government would have become more dynamic and effective.
All these positive changes are very important to build a developed country. We also need to amend the Digital Security Act and allow us to speak rationally so that the government can build a prosperous Bangladesh by taking timely decisions in its light. There will be no shaft.
(This is a Translated article)
Originally written in Bangla by: zazafee
5 August 2020

The changing world and the mental health of young people

The changing world and the mental health of young people

The world is changing now. The big difference between today’s and past youth is the situation. Then it was one thing, and now it is another. In this situation, the parents have to understand the condition of the child. Everyone needs to be made aware of mental illness. Whenever someone’s child is bad in any case, they are abused or beaten, harsh words are said. If parents do not understand, a distance will be created between the youth. 

The changing world and the mental health of young people are both very important issues.

A lot of the time, even though they can’t speak, they get mentally ill and new problems arise. Are attracted to drugs. One such incident happened to a student of Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET). Suddenly he made the fruit worse. The search revealed that the child was addicted to drugs. The mother is leaving the family and taking care of the child without getting any change. Living in Dhaka, he regularly brings his child to the university and takes him again.The changing world and the mental health of young people

Relationships have been added to new mental problems. There has been moral decay among the younger generation. It is not fair to do it at all. This will increase the problem. Instead, the problem should be solved by explaining to the young child.

We have to start creating a movement from the family to develop mental health. But in the family we do not treat our children fairly. The role model of the children is her parents. But it is seen that the father is driving the child in the opposite direction to the school. So what did they learn from their role model? If we do not stop these behaviors; It is also not possible to prevent mental distress in our children.

School teachers also need to increase their responsibilities. They create unhealthy competition among kids. As a result, various crises are created among them. Mobile phone misuse must be reduced. At night, the children chat on their mobile phones. The result is a disaster for the school. Then the tonic of the parents moved. At this time comes to take psychiatric treatment. Therefore, the mental crisis of their child is created from the family.

We are wary of young people, but do we know how young people are? No one can give the correct answer, but if you ask yourself the answer will match. Many problems of young people are not known to parents or anyone. Many times young people do not even want to say. Some of them have been beaten while talking or knowing their parents. Parents have to be tolerant. Young people commit suicide at this age. The changing world and the mental health of young people

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the world. 92% of young people are online regularly. Drug addiction is also a mental illness. At present 60-70 lakh people in the country are addicted to drugs. A new drug called Khat is coming to the country. But psychiatrists should sit well with the law that is being made. Drug control laws have been enacted, but these are done in a group campaign. Some of the lawmakers get involved, but I don’t think about the long-term consequences of the law.
We can’t give data, they don’t take it. Mental health education is compulsory in New York from KG to Class XII. We should do the same. In order to get rid of mental illness, parents need to increase their involvement with their children. Communication also needs to increase. There is a time when everyone in the family can sit without technology. Turning off mobile phones will not be a solution either, because you need to know about the changing world. You have to do as much as you can, which will not be harmful.

History of painting in Bangladesh has not yet been written even today

paintings of sahabuddin

No continuous history of painting in Bangladesh has not yet been written even today. For that we have no clear idea about our own painting tradition.

There is a lot of indirect evidence about the paintings of ancient and medieval Bengal: in the travelogues of tourists like Fa-Hien or in biographies like Chaitanyacharitamrita. But very few paintings of the past have survived the war with time.

It would not be wrong to say that the identity of Bengali painting was limited to illustrated manuscripts from the time of the Gupta Empire to the end of Muslim rule. From the pictures in these manuscripts it seems that the same customs and methods were followed in this vast territory from Bihar to Assam and from Nepal to the sea. These images, needless to say, are religious. The influence of Buddhist Jataka is more there than Hindu Purana, the shadow of Tantric sadhana is stronger there than Vaishnavism.

Kumar para in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Kumar para in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Beauty of Bengal Village by Samiran Sarkar
Beauty of Bengal Village by Samiran Sarkar

Some similarities with contemporary sculpture can be found in the attempt to clarify the image of the deity. It is not wrong to understand that the artists were aware of the drawing. They painted on palm leaves or parchment paper; Used home-made colors – yellow, blue, red and black are the predominant colors. It can be compared with contemporary Gujarati painting. But there is no evidence that the Rajput style or the richness of the Mughal motifs made any impression on the minds of the artists here.

An explanation of why he did not need to be obtained from historians. Was the Mughal or Rajput image unfamiliar in this region? Or our painters could not follow the discipline of those paintings? Or the emotion-tendency that is seen in Bengali painting, which is considered as a special tendency of our painters, to say that there was no similarity of mood between the two types of artists? Or did the difference between civic ingenuity and craftsmanship and the simplicity and temperament of folk art distinguish Bengal from the famous development of Indian art?
History of painting in Bangladesh has not yet been written even today
Patuarao also developed Bengal’s own tradition in painting. The image of the pot – known as the pot of Kalighat – probably developed with distinct glory from the late eighteenth century. The influence of pottery in its style of drawing does not go unnoticed, and the use of color is also an indication of local taste. Pot pictures were also printed in the nineteenth century. However, the demand for pot decreased when the celebration of Biliti started.

The first development of the western style in our country was probably through the portrait-drawing of foreign artists. Jyotirindranath Tagore was a prominent portrait artist among the natives. Many of his pencil-painted portraits fascinate the audience. But Western art critics like Rodenstein said that Jyotirindranath was not a blind imitator of the Western style – his portraits had a soul that could be considered the beginning of modern Indian painting.

That modern painting originated in Thakurbari. It was during the period of European influence that Abanindranath-Gaganendranath revived the Indian tradition of painting by becoming a connoisseur of Western painting. Havel’s motivation was unparalleled. The fact that the painting of Bengal has gone beyond the shelter of religion is a big part of their pursuit. However, in the case of this revival, we do not find the identity of Bengal’s own art form as much as we find the identity of following Ajanta’s art and Mughal painting.

The revival of Bengal’s own style took place in the hands of Jamini Roy and Nandalal Basu. Jamini Roy was initiated in the western style, his influence may not have been completely eradicated. However, like the Patuas, he made some basic colors himself, with local ingredients. The field of color that is limited by the line of the line, the nose and eyes of the imaginary people of Patua float up and scratch him, as if the carefree world of Patua is captured in the picture. And in Nandalal’s drawings, there is a hint of Alpana’s drawing style – conch, vine, whirlpool, earthen doll-horse and the impression of his childhood identity.

By that time, twentieth century Bengal had become a part of the world. So the line between domestic and foreign gradually became blurred. The artists got the education of painting nature from abroad. Wherever the river-fields of Bengal are their subject, isn’t the use of color also a part of Western art? There is a lot of folk art inspiration in Kamrul Hasan’s films – but his ladies are not exactly the creation of the native style. Nirad Majumdar revived a lot of Tantric painting, but if foreign viewers think of Chagall after seeing those pictures, what would they do wrong?

But it is also true that as a result of unfamiliarity with the history and patterns of indigenous painting, the minds of our artists are mainly attracted towards Western painting. Most of the recent talented artists have had the opportunity to study in Europe. How will they cut that effect? Why not?

Yet for those of us who love pictures, this question arises in our minds- what will make us more satisfied? If one can see the picture and say, it is a painting of a Bengali artist, then? No, if someone looks at the picture and says, this picture does not follow the bond of time, then? What will be the artist – native, or world?

Originally by: Anisuzzaman

Donated 60 billion rials now don’t have a penny


Donated 60 billion rials now don’t have a penny.Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi (Arabic :سليمان بن عبد العزيز الراجحي, born 1929) is a Saudi Arabian corporate figure and billionaire. As of 2011, his wealth was estimated by Forbes to be $5.9 billion, making him the 169th richest person in the world.

Born into his poor family. The school where he used to study once organized a pleasure trip. It is informed that every student has to pay one riyal. But the financial situation of Al-Razi’s parents was so miserable that it was not possible for them to arrange a riyal for the child. As a result, as the travel time approached, he started crying, thinking about how to arrange that one real.

What else is needed in this short life?

Donated 60 billion rials now don't have a pennyWhen the test results were published at that time, it was seen that Solomon was the first in the class. As a reward for this success, a Palestinian teacher rewarded him with a real. In this way, getting the opportunity to fulfill the hobby of pleasure travel, Solomon became an eightfold joy.

After graduating, Al-Razi quickly found success in his career. As an entrepreneur, he started working in a room in Jeddah under the name ‘Bank’. In a short span of time, he set up a bank network called Al-Razi all over Saudi Arabia. It is now the largest Islamic bank in the world.

Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi is now looking for his Palestinian teacher. When he found the teacher he was retired, the financial situation was extremely miserable. Al-Razi brought his teacher and put him in a car. He said, ‘I am indebted to you.’ The teacher said, ‘How can a man be indebted to a poor man?’ ‘Do you want to give that one riyal back now?’ Then Razi brought his favorite teacher to a beautiful house, there was an expensive car. Said, ‘From today this house and car are yours. And we will bear all your expenses. ‘

The tearful teacher said, “It becomes too much for me.”

In 2010, Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi waqfed his wife and children with half of his huge fortune. The current value of the waqf assets is more than 60 billion riyals. From which donations are constantly being made for the people. Forbes Magazine has included him in the list of top 20 donors in the world.

He founded the world’s largest Islamic bank as well as the world’s largest poultry farm in the Middle East, called Al-Watania Poultry. There is not a city in Saudi Arabia where a mosque was not built with the Al-Razi family’s money. Going to Islamic medicine and charities with regular financial support. 1.5 million workers working in their own organizations are paid before the end of the month.

We are indebted to our country, our society and our people for this success,” he said in an interview. So we have to do something for the country, for the people. ‘He was asked,’ You gave half of the property to your wife and children, you gave the other half. What did you keep for yourself? With a soft smile, Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi replied, ‘Nothing.’ He said, ‘I am now 80 years old. What else is needed in this short life? The waqf covers my living, travel and medical expenses. I try to do that as little as possible. ‘

You are a billionaire but now you don’t have a penny, how do you feel? Al-Razi smiled softly at the question and said, “I feel like a free bird. When the Creator calls, I can respond immediately, there will be no setback. What could be a bigger relief than this? ’Source:

Why is there no map of Bangladesh in the national flag?

National Flag
The national flag is a rare symbol of a country and its race, language, caste, tribe, etc. When it comes to the wealth acquired in the life and history of the Bengalis, the first thing that comes to mind is the unique symbol of the glory of Bangladesh – the national flag of Bangladesh. In exchange for the blood of about 3 million martyrs which we achieved in 1971. However, the current flag that we see everywhere was not the same as before. Let’s find out how the history behind the change of flag and flag design of Bangladesh came about.
Decision to make the flag of Bangladesh. Why is there no map of Bangladesh in the national flag?

Why is there no map of Bangladesh in the national flag?

The design of the flag of Bangladesh was done some time before independence. The first flag of Bangladesh was designed by some activists and student leaders of ‘Shadhin Bangla Nucleus’. Nine years before the war, in September 1972, three BCL leaders – Sirajul Alam Khan, Abdur Razzak and Kazi Aref Ahmed – planned to form a secret organization. Named ‘Swadhin Bangla Biplobi Parishad’, however, they secretly named their party Nucleus. Which was unknown for a long time. In July 1974, the High Command of the Independent Bengali Revolutionary Council or Nucleus was formed with these three members.

June 7, 1980. Bangabandhu will be greeted by the workers’ alliance at Paltan Maidan in Dhaka, the then capital of East Pakistan. The ‘nucleus’ planned to give a separate flag of East Pakistan to Bangabandhu at this event. For this purpose, a Joybangla Bahini with students, ‘February 15 Bahini’ was formed.

To this end, on June 6, BCL leader Kazi Aref Ahmed, ASM Abdur Rob, Shahjahan Siraj, Marshal Monirul Islam, BCL leader Swapan Kumar Chowdhury in room 118 (now 116-117) of Sergeant Zahurul Haque Hall (then Iqbal Hall) of Dhaka University. Jagrannath University (then Jagannath College) BCL leader Nazrul Islam, Comilla district BCL general secretary and central student leader Shivnarayan Das, Engineering University BCL general secretary Hasanul Haque Inu and student leader Yusuf Salauddin Ahmed organized a meeting.

Flags of the past and present
The first design of the flag of BangladeshShiv Narayan Das

According to the unanimous decision of all, based on the initial proposal of Kazi Aref, after the discussion, the design of the flag with yellow map of Bengal as a symbol of golden jute in the middle of the red sun on the green ground was finalized. This map of Bangladesh was added to the flag for a special reason.

Kazi Aref Ahmed Saheb, Kamrul Alam Khan (Khasru) and two others were sent to Bazlur Rahman Laskar’s “Apollo” shop in New Market. Dressed in dark green and dark red, they went to the owner of Pak Fashion in Balaka Bhaban around 12 pm. He was Bihari (non-Bengali). Realizing the matter, he dismissed all the employees and made a flag by sewing a red circle in the middle of the green cloth according to the design without any payment.

Then Yusuf Salauddin Ahmed and Hasanul Haque drew a map of East Pakistan on a tracing paper with a map book from Enamul Haque in room 312 of Quaid-e-Azam Hall (now Titumir Hall) of Inu University of Engineering (now BUET). Comilla Chhatra League president Shivnarayan Das drew a map on the cloth from this tracing paper. He drew the map in the middle of the red circle of the flag using yellow paint and match sticks. He painted the map golden.

When making a map inlaid flag The first hoisting of the flag of Bangladesh on March 2, 1971, the first national flag in the history of Bangladesh was hoisted by ASM Abdur Rob, the student leader and the then Vice President of Daksu, at the West Gate in front of Kala Bhaban, Battala, Dhaka University. Other student leaders and workers were also present at the time. He was the vice president of the student union of Dhaka University at that time. The new symbol was created to prevent the East Pakistani symbol ‘moon’ from being used.

According to the CIA World Factbook, the green color of the flag was used to describe the green nature of Bangladesh. The flag at that time was therefore a map of Bangladesh (then East Bengal) in the middle of a bright green circle. Then at the beginning of the War of Liberation on 23rd March, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman hoisted the national flag at his residence at Dhanmondi No. 32. It was officially adopted as the national flag of Bangladesh on 16 January 1972.

Why the map in the middle of the flag?

According to Kazi Aref Ahmed’s book ‘National State of Bengalis’, it is known that the flag was made as per the decision of Nucleus on June 6, 1970 and this flag is likely to be adopted as the flag of independent Bangladesh later. Then Monirul Islam (Marshal Moni) and Asam Abdur Rob said that this is the texture of the flag
Must be bottle green. Shahjahan Siraj said that there should be some red flag. The position of the red sun in the morning on the bottle green ground.

This design of the flag was then approved by the ‘Nucleus’ High Command. Kazi Aref Ahmed then suggested that the flag should be given a golden map in the middle of the red sun to protect it from Pakistani deception. Because, often the just movement of Bangladesh is propagated by the Pakistani ruling class as having the hand of India or the infiltration of Indians or the activities of Indian agents.

Moreover, at this time a fictional country called United States of Bengal or Bangladesh United States was born. The government administration used to make a map of this fictitious United States of Bengal with the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura, East Pakistan and Arakan in Myanmar as a conspiracy to undermine the demand for Bengali autonomy. In order to protect the flag from such propaganda, everyone agreed on the proposal to place the map of Bangladesh in the middle of the red sun in the colors of golden fiber and ripe paddy.

Also one of the most popular and widely used slogans of that time was “Joy Bangla”. In that case, the question remains, which Bengali is being spoken? East Bengal, West Bengal or two Bengalis? It was then decided that the flag would be a land portrait or map of the then East Bengal (present day Bangladesh). Interestingly, the decision was also taken that the map would not be needed if the country became independent – which later came true in the case of the flag (current flag) designed by Patua Kamrul Hasan.

Previously designed flag of Bangladesh
National flag of Bangladesh

After independence, in 1972, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s government asked Patua Kamrul Hasan to remove the map from the flag designed by Shiv Narayan Das and submit a report on the size, color and interpretation of the flag. The color green symbolizes the green nature and youth of Bangladesh, the red color of the circle is the rising sun, the war of independence
Symbol of the blood of the self-sacrificing. So the national flag of Bangladesh has a red circle in the green rectangle.

The flag will have a red circle in the middle of a rectangular green color of 10: 8 length and width. The red circle will have a radius of one-fifth of the length of the flag. This version of the national flag of Bangladesh was officially adopted on 16 January 1972. The modified form by Kamrul Hasan is now the national flag of Bangladesh.

On March 2, 1971, the first flag-emblazoned flag flew

One of the reasons for the omission of the map of Bangladesh in the current flag is that the map cannot be seen properly from both sides of the flag. There will be complications with sewing the right way on the map on both sides of the flag. It will be difficult for anyone other than the painter to draw the flag. The red circle is pressed slightly to one side, so that when the flag flies it can be seen in the middle of the flag.
Originally Shiv Narayan Das was the chief designer of the flag of Bangladesh. Kamrul Hasan changed it a little. However, since the map-emblazoned flag is not used at present, Kamrul Hasan is said to be the designer of the current flag. Shiv Narayan Das is mentioned as the designer of the flag during the war of liberation.

The history of the national flag of Bangladesh is emotional. This flag holds the whole country in its bosom.

Written by: Arif Hosen Rajon

Pandemic COVID-19 Lockdown: Curse or blessing?


Pandemic COVID-19 Lockdown: Curse or blessing?

When I am writing the content; Oxford University with Astra Zeneca combine just declared “an experimental corona virus vaccine triggered an immune response against COVID-19 in study participants” and In the meantime WHO’s daily health bulletin says the total number of death crossed 617k. In these Lock-down period peoples are divided into two groups basically; one group confidently says they are grateful in this situation and another groups argues they are suffering a lot to manage their livelihood.

Considering both aspect, really COVID-19 is both blessing and curse in different aspect. Let’s discuss the key aspect:

1Blessing side of COVID-19:

We believe this lock-down has turned everyone’s life Topsy turvey and it’s really not clear to us when this situation will end and when we all turn to safe and normal life. Despite all these worries and obstacle, it’s really a great time for reflection, self growth, family bonding, passing pleasure time, studying new books or watching new movies. Some research shows that this lock down has created an Eco friendly environment and some economist believes the virus would be the cause of multiple businesses becoming entirely digital.Oxford Learning Centres Launch Online Learning Program Virtual ...

Children get rid from a big load of book running for classes sometimes without having breakfast or even without finishing morning brushes. In this situation people are not disrupting the nature like before. Some big changes added to the environment like birds are chirping, air pollution is decreasing, animals are returning to their own habitat and sky is clearly visible with beautiful stars. Some environment activist also says Corona virus is not the actual virus; it’s like a vaccine for earth against the real virus which is human being.

CNN reports that countless children are happier these days, they are not busier, have more control over their time and sleeping better which really helpful to make their mental health sound. Parents are getting more time to pass with their child which gives positive messages. According to Peter Grey, psychology researchers at Boston college, “We tend to think children develop best when carefully guided by adults” and this lock-down is the best time to guide the child and helped them to grow, mature and calm down.

Downside/curse of Lock-down in COVID-19 Pandemic:

Having few upsides surely is added a lot of downside in every aspect of Human life. It destroys the economy, the mental health, create violence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the threat of domestic violence worldwide. One question has already been raised “Quarantine in home or Prison?” Social distancing could be a nightmare for people facing abuse at home by their partners.

A big number of people as already lost their job, according to World Economic Outlook global growth in 2020 to fall to -3 percent. For the first time since the Great depression, both advanced and emerging market economics will be in recession in 2020.

Corona virus pandemic has severely affected our mental health and we don’t even recognize what is happening because it’s totally foreign and unexpected to us. According to World Economic Forum- Lock down is the world biggest psychological experiment – and we will pay the prizes? People who are quarantined a very likely to develop a wide range of symptom of psychological stress and disorder, including insomnia, stress, anxiety, anger, irritability, emotional exhaustion and depression.  Which may be the great curse for human life in Lock down? Another research shows that among quarantined hospital stuff, almost 10% reported high depressive symptoms.

The COVID-19 has affected the educational system worldwide. Approximately 1.725 billion learners are currently affected worldwide due to closure of schools, colleges and universities. Although different institutions has already started online leaning, but the impact was more severe for disadvantaged children and their families causing interrupted learning which create extra pressure to their mind.

According to Forbes the great lockdown is saving lives while increasing poverty and hunger globally. As business closed their doors and factories shut down their gate, unemployment surged. About 26 million workers field jobless claims since the lockdown. This is also a great curse both for low and middle income family.

Having both sides, we always wish to back the normal life.

Written by:Md. Rony Ibne Masud

Education is the passport to the future


“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
Malcolm X

When I first heard about the concept called, Zoom. I thought about it and asked myself, is it a stereotype? Then, I learned that, it is something else. In addition, today throughout the whole world, it is the new normal classroom, or should I say meeting room. I do not think Zoom company thought of their bumper success in this period. When people are stuck at home, classroom have been placed to their computers screen or phone screen.

Let us focus on the new normal of our students that is online education. Online education is a type of educational instruction that is delivered via the internet to students using their home computers. The truth is, the education methods and materials provided in online degree programs are often the same as those provided for on-campus programs.

The question remains, is this platform helping our students? The reality is, today we all do not have internet access. So, for the students who live in remote places of the country, they are deprived of education in many cases. Still, we hear news about teachers being harasses at meetings. We hear facts about ignorance, irresponsibility and institutions charging extra fees in this situation. Is it worth enough?Education is the passport to the future

For conducting online classes, some basic requirements must be available to the students and teachers. The first three primary requirements are digital devices, high-speed internet and a platform. Devices mean a personal desktop computer, laptop or at least a smartphone. Uninterrupted high-speed internet is also a primary necessity for online class, as the users have to stream online videos or live videos.

However, unfortunately, the global average mobile internet speed is 25.08 megabytes per second (Mbps) while it is only 9.06mbps in Bangladesh, according to a new report on online habits released by Hoot Suite and We Are Social.

Without high-speed internet, we might browse on the internet and use Facebook or Whats App but cannot stream live videos. The third necessary facility is a user-friendly platform or learning management system. There are many platforms available on the internet such as Google Classroom, Zoom, Moodle, etc. With a short training, students and teachers can use these platforms. This short training is also important for remote learning, as it requires a little bit of digital literacy of the users. Actually, if these three things can be ensured for both teachers and students then online class could be started.

But the main point is that whether these basic requirements are available to the students and teachers or not.

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics’ Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019 shows that only 37.6 per cent of households in the country have access to internet. It also found that only 5.6 per cent of households have a computer. I have already said that only internet connection is not adequate for remote learning. It requires uninterrupted high-speed internet. Truly, we are yet to meet infrastructural requirements of online class for all students.

The policy makers need to address these issues to accommodate all the students or a large number of students will be left outside of the system. Government should take initiative to increase Internet facilities to tackle this new normal, and make all the citizens of the state capable of contributing for the country. Because, in this era, you need education above all.

There was a time, when online education was a myth. Many local authorities of our country rebuked it. But, this pandemic taught us a lesson, the significance of online education. For ensuring education for all, we need to rely upon this sector. We cannot send teachers to everywhere, but Internet gives us the scope to reach at the top of any mountain to the southern corner of rivers.

In these circumstances, we should be humble towards our teachers, because at the end they are taking our classes not for just money. Rather, they take care of ourselves. One day, we can again go back to our desks and chairs, for chasing our dreams. As Arthur Ashe said,

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Written by: Syed Al Farabi

Cultural Management Executive

Rizwan Rohan

Rizwan Rohan
Rizwan Rohan

Rizwan Rohan is in fifth grade at Cantonment Public School. At this young age, he has a good reputation in the country. Rizwan Rohan is one of the current child artists in acting and modeling. Rohan has acted in many dramas and commercials.

He has also acted in films. His most notable play is ‘Eclipse’ directed by Mabrur Rashid Banna. ‘Gift 1’ directed by Jayant Rosario, ‘I Love You Mother’, ‘Colors’, ‘Flower Basket’, Telefilm ‘Bodh’ directed by Kishore Mahmud. ‘Reflection’, ‘Kira’, ‘The Unseen’ directed by Nelson Mandal.

Mehdi Hasan has acted in the web series ‘Devil’ and ‘Singara Babu’ directed by Hridoy. And starred in the 6-episode drama series ‘Bhalo Thakhi Bhalo Rakhi’ directed by Gias Uddin Selim and written by Masum Reza. Rohan has also gained a good reputation by acting in the serial drama ‘Baba Thake Basay’ on Duronto TV.

In the play ‘Baba Thake Basay’, the one you know as Uday is our favorite Rohan. He is well known all over the country as Uday.Rohan’s first work was in 7 breast milk awareness dramas officially made for UNICEF Bangladesh and Bangladesh Television. I would be surprised to know, Rohan was only two years old then! The plays are still screened at the main gate of Mohakhali ICDDRB in Dhaka.

Hear another funny thing? So, every Mother’s Day, the drama ‘I love you mother’ starring Rohan has been airing on NTV for the last 5 years. The play ‘Upahar 1’ has been airing every Christmas for the last 7 years.Rohan has been a model for the first time in an advertising image in Ocean City. Then in the television commercials of Ifat Agi Noodles, Robi, Bashundhara Khata, Sevlon Hand Wash, Pran Juice, Pran Achar. Rohan has also been a model for various clothing brands.
Rohan has shocked everyone once again by starring in the film ‘Chiranjeev Mujib’ based on the nation. Everyone was impressed by his performance. He also acted well in the movie ‘Adventure of Sundarbans’.

Rohan sings in his spare time. But not Bengali songs. English songs. Or he has a lot of trouble to pick up the melody of Bengali songs! Can’t pick up the tune properly. So Rohan sang English songs. Practice from YouTube alone. Apart from acting and singing, Rohan can draw very good pictures. Rohan can also recite and swim. Rohan can also give advertisement jingles. Jingle in many advertisements.

Rohan wants to be a solid actor when he grows up. He is continuing that effort. And yes – one more thing – Rohan is so talented and his mother’s constant inspiration is behind his progress. His mother Asha Majid is also a theater worker and actor. He has been with the theater since 1991. Many have worked in drama and advertising. And he also gives jingles in advertisements and dramas. His mother also has many dreams about Rizwan Rohan.

5 Ways to be Mindful and Healthy during the Pandemic

Mental health awareness

It’s difficult dealing with the state of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic; the economy and your health, both physical and mental, have taken a hit. Ergo here are 5 Ways to be Mindful and Healthy during the Pandemic. Five surefire ways to get you, your body, and your mind back on track to deal with the present situation.

1. Talk to a friend or a family member

Keep smiling and be you

Studies have shown that stress can be reduced by talking to friends and family members. Stress can have negative impacts on memory and overwork the brain and an article in the American Society of Aging points out that older citizens have better long-term memory, cognitive functions, and allostatic load when they have a better social life and more friends and family members around. This was noted by Piedmont Healthcare in an article called ‘4 Reasons Friends and Family are Good For Your Health.

Talking to family members and friends help to deal with mental health and give a person more coping mechanisms during hardships.

2.Switch to tea instead of coffee

Switch to tea instead of coffee

Tea has less caffeine, this is a known fact but did you know that coffee can drain the body of energy more quickly than tea? Studies have shown that people who drink tea more than coffee have energy that is longer lasting. There are antioxidants in tea; it hydrates your body and skin.

Tea can help reduce stress and it prevents clogged arteries to form which reduces the development of potentially fatal diseases like cancers and tumors. It does wonders for the immune system and helps reduce irritable mood.

3. Read Books

Read Books

Reading helps your brain stay mentally stimulated and improves cognitive stimulation especially when you are in a time of lockdown and do not have a lot going on. It keeps your brain active and of course, increases knowledge. It gives higher analytical ability and so next time you are reading a mystery/ thriller book and guess what happens before you read it, give yourself a pat on the back.

Reading relieves stress and helps you to fall asleep quicker. A study conducted in 2009 at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by an amount of 68%. It can even help fight depression. Reading fictional books can make you feel better because it can forge a route that leads to escapism. Reading non-fiction can help you deal with mental health as you read about methods of coping and strategies to deal with grueling moments in life. It gives a sense of peace to your mind.

Reading can contribute to an increase in life expectancy. “People who report as little as a half-hour a day of book reading had a significant survival advantage over those who did not read,” said the senior writer, Becca R. Levy, a professor of epidemiology at Yale in the journal, Social Science and Medicine. “And the survival advantage remained after adjusting for wealth, education, cognitive ability, and many other variables.” This was published in 2016 in an article in The Statesmen called ‘People who read books may live longer.’


We need to sleep as much as we need a proper balanced diet. If you are sleep deprived your body releases higher levels of stress hormones. Sleep also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. So those with high blood pressure need to make a habit of getting enough sleep regularly as it can lead to a higher risk of stroke and heart disease.

Sleeping regularly can also help you remember things better and improve your memory. It helps process things better. It may even make you smarter. Catching an afternoon nap can do more than just feel refreshing: it can make you effective, sharp, and alert.

Sleep can impact chemicals in the body including serotonin. A lack of serotonin is more likely to cause depression. Getting good sleep can help fight depression.

5.Reduce salt and sugar intake

5 Low Sodium Foods and Tips to Reduce Salt Intake - NDTV Food

Salt is a mineral that is much needed by the body but an excess of it for a long period of time can lead to terrible impacts on the body.

In a time of stress with the terrible situations during the COVID-19 pandemic, it might be better to have a smaller amount of salt. Lowering salt can help lower blood pressure. Packaged products can have a high level of salt and may lead to higher cholesterol levels that have effects like heart disease.

A high sugar intake regularly can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dental issues, cavities, etc. At a time of boredom, (especially during a lockdown) even though binging on sugary snacks is common we can try to replace them with healthier options that have more minerals and vitamins, e.g. sliced carrots, cucumbers, or if you still want a little sugar intake sliced apples, pears, etc.

Written by: Shomapty Khandaker





The plasma king Sahid Ahmed


Sahid Ahmed is called The plasma king. He is the Founder of the Plasma Bank of Bangladesh.

He is fighting for his country with this fullest effort along with his amazing and strong team to cope up with this pandemic of COVID -19. He was born on 14 April 1997 in Old Dhaka. And his home town is in Bikrampur.

He is a Child of a business family. His father’s name is Shahadat Hossain. And the mother’s name is Majeda Begum. His volunteer work started from school life. Through scouting, he was given the President Award of Scouts. In spite of being currently the Founder – Plasma Bank of Bangladesh. He is also the Deputy Youth Organizer – Corona Volunteer Networks Also he is with Bangladesh Coordinator – that is working in the American Bangladeshi newspaper named Awaazbd. The plasma king Sahid Ahmed

Also COVID 19 as a rescue member – was associated with UHDP. Despite being a non-medical person in this epidemic, many young people have come forward voluntarily to serve humanity, one of whom is Sahid Ahmed. Whether it was a young man who was brought to Corona, tested, admitted, arranged if someone needed oxygen, managed when an ambulance was needed, where he did not have a foothold, starting from attending a funeral?

He also worked with his team to distribute food aid, masks, and hexisole to helpless families, and at one stage coroner patients created Plasma Bank of Bangladesh, the country’s largest online platform, when they needed plasma. They are already taking steps to help the Barns. Assisted in handing over the bodies in the launch sinking. Undoubtedly Sahid Ahmed is a pride for us. He is an example for every one of us, for every age, a pride for our Bangladesh. Also, he teaches us that if our intentions are strong enough and honest, we can set an example in front of the world.

Written by: Nafisa Tabassum Juena

It is painful to think about not having a home


It is painful to think about not having a home.The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka is quite well known to all for it is densely population. Dhaka’s 2020 population is now estimated at 21,005,860. Even, in 1950, the population was nearly three lakh. So, what was the reason behind such a massive shift of people in the capital?

Bangladesh remains one of the most vulnerable countries to the climate crisis with its flat topography making it more prone to significant floods. In 2016, it was ranked sixth on the Climate Risk Index.

The answer is quite simple, climate change. Well, it looks awkward. But the truth is, due to the continuous rise of average sea level. My country has to go thorough river erosion in the southern parts. Due to such calamity, people are losing their homes. In such circumstances, when what you have is only, life with you. There lies no option to settle around rather finding an informal job at the city itself.It is painful to think about not having a home

When countries are destroying the environment, for the sake of power, technology and life style. A country like, Bangladesh known as the Delta of the world. Probably, known for its natural beauty and environment, need to go through immense suffering. Nature always follow a conservation law of happiness. At one end, where someone is becoming billionaire through running mills and factories. In addition, on the other, people like us, have to lose our home, and have to lose everything. It is painful beholding your grandfather’s graveyard demolishing into rivers water. It is painful to think about not having a home, where our golden days of childhood passed.

Climate change is the change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century on wards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil road

Rising global average temperature is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns. Scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events such as heat waves and large storms are likely to become more frequent or more intense with human-induced climate change.  Climate change has also been connected with other damaging weather events such as more frequent and more intense hurricanes, floods, downpours, and winter storms. Burning fossil fuels, like natural gas, oil, and coal. Burning these materials releases what are called greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere. There, these gases trap heat from the sun’s rays inside the atmosphere causing Earth’s average temperature to rise. This rise in the planet’s temperature is called global warming.

Barack Obama said,

No challenge poses a greater threat to future generation than climate change.”

In terms of carbon emission as per the reports of Union of Concerned Scientist, the top countries with highest carbon emission are China, U.S.A, India, and Russian Federation and so on. One of the key factors of this climate change is of course, emission of greenhouse gases.

For the cause of a resolution, United Nations Climate Change Conferences are yearly conferences held in the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They serve as the formal meeting of the UNFCCC Parties (Conference of the Parties, COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change, and beginning in the mid-1990s, to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol to establish legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

World annual deforestation is estimated as 13.7 million hectares a year, equal to the area of Greece. Only new forests or forest growth compensates half of this area. In addition to directly human-induced deforestation, the growing forests have also been affected by climate change, increasing risks of storms, and diseases. Kyoto protocol includes the agreement to prevent deforestation but not the actions to fulfill it.

Clearly, what Trump and his cohort fail to understand is that silly tweets like “Whatever happened to Global Warming?” and press statements downplaying the real impact and causes of climate change can only go so far. Ultimately, the truth will out, by bitter, lived experience if we do not wake up to the urgency of this crisis.

Today countries like, Bangladesh need the support of all for tackling this climate change issue. However, due to such ignorance about the topic, a smooth resolution is still not available.

The sustainable development goal’s 13 number is about climate action. There are over 1.8 billion young people in the world today, 90 per cent of whom live in developing countries, where they tend to make up a large proportion of the population. There are more than 235 million youth in India and 225 million in China alone. Therefore, the population number tells us about the impact that can be played by the youth generation.

Meanwhile, experts worry that a large surge of climate migrants is forming because of increasing climate risk, especially in the coastal areas of the South Asian nation of 160 million people. This migration, causing overpopulation in inner cities, is further leading to the human trafficking of children and women.tahmid

Actually, the effects of climate change is not going to occur now. We have to pay for it in the nearby future. Since, the world leaders and administration will not be at that time, they are not paying any heed to the impacts of climate change at all. However, due to the outbreak of covid-19, it is now or never.

Actually, nature does not see any races, religion, castes and many more while attacking upon us. Today, we have to face the cruelty of nature through this covid-19 pandemic. For the sake of our luxury, we are destroying our earth, where after 50 years our children will exist. Aren’t we doing injustice for them? Aren’t we destroying their childhood in the name of industrialization?

We are the future of this planet. If the administration cannot support us to reduce carbon emission, we shall stop it. Because, it is now or never. The teenagers of this 2020, not by the grown up ones, shall face the upcoming pandemic.


Written by:Syed Al Farabi

Barishal Cadet College





Ekdala fort


In about 600 AD, a Hindu king built Ekdala Fort, about 5 km long and 2 km wide, on the west side of the Shitalakshya and Brahmaputra rivers, about 10 km from Kapasia upazila of Gazipur. In 1352, Ilyas Shah renovated the fort to protect it from a possible attack by Sultan Firoz Tughlaq of Delhi. Sultan Feroze Tughlaq of Delhi attacked Ekdala fort twice in 1353 and 1358 AD but could not capture it.Ekdala fort

Later, Nasir Uddin Shah, son of Alauddin Hussain Shah, renovated the fort between 1517 and 1532. During the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar, King Todarmal incorporated this region into the Bhawal Pargana, but the fort was gradually abandoned. Dwar-i Dariya (Dardariya) fort, situated on the banks of Kali Banar river in Rayed union, was used as a branch fort of Ekdala fort.
How to go?

Ekdala fort
Ekdala fort

There are numerous bus services from different parts of Dhaka city to Gazipur crossroads. There are various buses going to Kapasia Upazila from Gazipur crossroads. From Kapasia Upazila Sadar, you can take local transport like CNG, rickshaw or easybike to Ekdala fort located on the bank of Shitalaksha river near Taraganj market.
Where to stay

Kapasia has several interesting resorts. Among them Sarah Resort, Nakshatrabari Resort, Jaleshwari Resort, Rangbasanti Resort, Saheb Bari Resort, Rajendra Eco Resort, Bhawal Resort are some of them. If you want, you can leave Dhaka in the morning and see Ekdala fort and come back effortlessly in the evening.

The shrine of the three leaders


The shrine of the three leaders near Doel Chattar in the capital Dhaka is one of the landmarks of Bangladesh’s architecture.

The mausoleum of three political leaders of Bangladesh, namely Sher-e-Bangla AK Fazlul Haque, Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy, and Khwaja Nazimuddin, has been built on the tombs of the three leaders. The mausoleum of these three leaders is basically an architectural sculpture. There are three Bengal tigers lying in the middle of it. Our three national leaders are AK Fazlul Haque, Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy and Khwaja Nazimuddin.Shrine of Three National Leaders | The Shrine of Three Natio… | Flickr

Architects Masood Ahmed and SA Zahiruddin designed the sculpture. It was built in 1973 by architects Masood Ahmed and SA Zahiruddin in memory of three eminent leaders. It is a false theory. The shrines of these three popular leaders are located on the north side of Doel Chattar in Dhaka University. The tombs of these three leaders are surrounded by the Shishu Academy and the High Court. These three leaders have played an important role in the politics of per-independence Bengal in the twentieth century as well as in the independence of Bengal.

These three leaders were the then Chief Ministers of Bengal. Sher-e-Bangla AK Fazlul Haque, also known as the Tiger of Bengal. Fazlul Haque was a famous Bengali politician. He was the mayor of Calcutta and the prime minister of undivided Bengal. He was elected Prime Minister of East Pakistan in 1954 and Home Minister of Pakistan in 1955. He later served as the Governor of East Pakistan. He is one of the key leaders in the formation of the United Front.Shrine of the three leaders

Born into the Nawab family of Dhaka, Khwaja Nazimuddin was one of the leading politicians of Bengal. He became the Governor General of Pakistan in 1947 and became the second Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1951. On 16 April 1953, Nazimuddin was deposed. Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy was a famous Bengali politician and lawyer. In 1924 he became the Deputy Mayor of Calcutta Municipality and in the cabinet of Khwaja Nazimuddin he was the Minister of Labor and Minister of Municipal Supplies. He was the Chief Minister of East Bengal. He formed the East Pakistan Students League in 1948 and the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in 1949. He formed the United Front with AK Fazlul Haque and Maulana Bhasani. Until 1958, he was the Prime Minister of Pakistan.Tin Netar Mazar - Three Leaders Mausoleum (AK Fazlul Huq, Khwaja ...

Just as this historic shrine will bring you the history of Bengal, its beautiful environment will keep you away from mechanics for a while and give you peace. You can visit this place with your family at low cost.

It was built in 1973 by architects Masood Ahmed and SA Zahiruddin in memory of three eminent leaders. It is a false theory.

The context of Humayun Ahmed’s short stories

Humayun Ahmed

The context of Humayun Ahmed’s short stories. As far as I can remember, the first book I read by Humayun Ahmed when I was very young was called ‘Neel Hati’. That time I was probably in fourth grade student. Then when I start reading his book again, I read Ninth grade, and at that time I probably read a book called ‘Tomader Jonno Bhalobasha’, also called Science Fiction, I don’t remember it that way anymore, because that was thirty-five years ago. .

Then I read two of his most famous books at that time, one ‘Nandito Naroke’, the other ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’. What used to happen was that Humayun Ahmed’s writings were written almost everywhere in the Eid issues of the newspapers of that time. They were also read.

The thing that happened at that time was that I started writing prose little by little even though I didn’t want to print it. There was a time when I would get up in class XI, so the two books that was written by Humayun Ahmed had such an effect on us that I secretly tried to write a novel based on the story of Humayun Ahmed’s ‘Nandito Naroke’. Even the names of the characters in my attempt to write that novel were close to the names of Humayun Ahmed’s characters, and I named that novel-effort ‘Nindito Naroke’, and I wrote in good men like Humayun Ahmed.

It is through this incident that one can better understand how I was influenced by Humayun Ahmed in my early life.

Then I noticed that there was a regular drama on television on Fridays, called ‘Ei Shob Din Ratri’. We watched it with great enthusiasm, and I think the popularity of Humayun Ahmed as a fiction writer, novelist, storyteller or writer started with the huge popularity of this play. This was not the case before.

Whatever I have to read, whatever I have at hand, I read, many times I don’t want to judge. It is true that I read Humayun Ahmed’s books as much as I enjoyed watching television dramas. I once calculated that I read the lion’s share of his books. I can say by name, I have read even the last writings which are big in size, I am talking about the books after ‘Jochana and Jananir golpo’, ‘Jochana and Janani’s story’ is first published continuously in the literary pages of Bhorer Kagoj, later It closed after a few installments were printed and came out in book form much later. So ‘The Story of Jochna and Janani’, ‘Deyal’, ‘Matal Hawa’, ‘Badshah Namdar’, I mean the books that are a little healthy, I have also noticed that I have read them.

But after further reading, what I think is that storytelling is very enjoyable, but storytelling and novel are not the same thing in one breath. And that is my perception. But I’m not talking about small or large size. Shape is not an issue here, but the art we understand to mean a novel is not just an extraordinary story that we enjoy reading, the novel is much more than a story. And from this point of view, I don’t think there is anything special in Humayun Ahmed’s novel beyond the story or that he has been able to do it.

Even if I talk about ‘Nandito Naroke’ or ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’, I would say, those are wonderful writings. If we call it a novella, it’s not exactly a novel — and that’s why they’re great, but I can’t find what I mean by a novel. But that doesn’t matter to a writer. And at the same time it needs to be said that the writings that Humayun Ahmed wrote as a novel are the writings of Humayun Ahmed but have not been written before in Bengali literature, and these writings have also influenced the mind of the reader.

If we come to the context of Humayun Ahmed’s short stories, I will first say that many stories have been written in different languages ​​in the world, they have also gained readership, but many times we do not call them short stories compared to Rabindranath or Chekhov. And from that point of view, in this comparison, I think Humayun Ahmed is a very successful story writer. His technique of writing short stories is remarkable, he has written some good short stories in tight weaving.
Humayun Ahmed did not use any superfluous words in the prose of short stories, I have to say that. He says exactly what he wants to say in the tight weave in his short stories, sometimes with humorous sentences, lots of hints inside the sentences that are not found in his novels called long stories. Rather, I think their structure or wheels would have been a bit sloping, irrelevant, but it never happened in the case of his short stories. I still remember reading one of his books at first, probably ‘Nishikabbo’ or ‘Winter and Other Stories’.
Some of the stories from there fascinated me a lot. After that I became a very discerning reader of his short stories. Read and read yet. In my opinion, in terms of art, he has written several successful short stories in Bengali. If I say by name – ‘Mrittu Gondho’, ‘1971’ – I think he wrote this story later in the form of a novel, although it is only my idea. Then ‘Chokh’, ‘Khadok’, ‘Jalil Saheber Petition’ — which is a remarkable addition to Bengali prose in the context of the liberation war of Bangladesh.

That is why I would say that Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer.

Original: Prashant Mridha

Audio writing: Ashikur Rahman

Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer

Humayun Ahmed
Humayun Ahmed
No doubt Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer. When I was studying in Honors first year at Jagannath College, I first met Humayun Ahmed, the book through which I was introduced is called ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’. I was fascinated after reading ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’. I am very happy because I have never read a book like this before. After reading the book, I talked about it with my friend storyteller Shahidul Alam. Then he also reads the book and the two of us find out if Humayun Ahmed has another book.

At that time I was associated with the reading circle of Biswasahitya Kendra. Classic books were taught there, and they were discussed at the end of the reading. This was a discussion about books read every week. And at the end of these discussions, Abdullah Abu Sayeed would speak, then Abdullah Abu Sayeed would expand the boundaries of understanding as much as we understood about the books we read. So at one stage not only Humayun Ahmed’s writing, I read many more books at that time.

We can better understand that time and later, and it must be admitted that Humayun Ahmed had a great ability to tell stories. If you notice, whether it is a novel or a story, everywhere he is telling stories at every moment, creating stories in every chapter of the novel, creating stories within each character. This power was his. Coincidentally, for some time now I have been reading Humayun Ahmed’s latest novel ‘Deyal’ — Liberation War, Bangabandhu Assassination, before and after 15th August.

If the novel has been, has not been, where is the weakness, where is the strength, I would like to say without going into those discussions, there is an extraordinary story in each chapter of this novel. Wherever he is creating a character, or talking about it, he thinks of a story. And creating a situation in the mind of the reader that, to begin with, the novel must be read, must be finished.

Since I am writing about Humayun Ahmed today, I will not place him in the place of harsh criticism, I will just say that his infinite ability to tell stories is rare, at least in our country, in Bengali literature in Bangladesh.

Humayun Ahmed was very popular.No doubt Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer. But many judge the author based on whether the book is on the market. In fact, in my opinion, whether a book is cut or not, whether it is sold or not, a writer is not judged by all these. If you go to many countries of the world, you will see that billboard advertisement after billboard with books — there are bestselling writers all over the world, but literature cannot be considered only with popularity. I don’t think Best Seller Writer means he’s a great writer. We have confused the matter in our country. A bestseller is not a great writer.

All writers want to talk about life. Even after reading Humayun Bhai’s writings, we find that he also talks about life, the humor in his literature is extraordinary, but he always stays a little away from the seriousness that people have in their language, thoughts, and the thoughts or responsibilities that the writer has about them. I think so. After reading all his books, it seems that he went to a place with a sense of humor, a serious talk, but he avoided that place with a joke.

He did not deal with the deep places of our thoughts in life, he handled them, he showed us the way by creating new faces of human thought, he avoided them. He did not enter into many important thoughts of life. Great writers think deeply about those thoughts in our lives. But Humayun Ahmed did not do that, he skipped many serious issues with laughter and jokes. But it is also true that he has shown many aspects of our lives — the lives of boys, girls, people, especially the middle class.

Another thing is that those who are classics, the ones we read first, have to read, and inevitably — Manik, Bibhuti or Tarashankar, or Elias, or if we talk about Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, if we read their novels, the sentences are often quite long. Looking at Humayun Ahmed’s sentence, it can be seen that his sentences are not very long — it is important to think about shortening the sentence with a beard.

The fact that each of the great writers I mentioned, one sentence at a time, or sometimes more, has an effect on the mind of the reader. Trying to get into a long sentence by reading it over and over again, drowning in a thought, is a practice of thinking, but most of the time when the sentence gets shorter, if the reader gets the answer immediately, there is no room for his thoughts.
Great writers give us the opportunity to sink into that thought. Not only does it have to pass the reader, it also has to immerse the reader in a thought by holding the reader’s hand, and in fiction it is not done with short sentences. I must admit that he could have told a wonderful story, but after the end of the story, we should not be able to enter into any stability.
The thought that he would leave no stone unturned did not happen in my case after reading his book. And because he easily explained everything to the reader, but he gained readership in a short time. Humayun Ahmed easily gained popularity as he had to reduce the difficulty of the reader to read. Readers always have to take a preparation to read great writers. Apart from the classic writers, if we talk about Marquez at the same time, it can be seen that the reader gets a lot of thoughts when he enters into his story, the way to enter into the story is not very easy.
If the writer wants to go to popularity, if he wants to go to liquidity, that is a path, and if he wants to go into the deep exploration of life, that is also a path, the writer can always find a path as he wishes.Humayun Ahmed startles me, never thinks but does not give me stability. Don’t pull me, don’t grip me.But in the end I will say that there are many ways in art and literature. He became the king of the path that Humayun Ahmed wanted to take.Day by day I realized that Humayun Ahmed is very successful as a short story writer.

By: Parvez Hossain

Audio writing: Md. Masud Hossain

Favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed

Shakoor Majid

I have passed the age of wetting pillows by crying after reading books. After ‘Mem Saheb’, I was probably the first to be most fascinated by Rabeya Apa. That was Montu’s elder sister. Montu and I were 14-15 years old. Today i will discuss about the favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed. First time i feet that Humayun Ahmed wrote about us, the name of the book was ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’.

While i was reading full-length novels for the past two decades, I have not been able to read any novel from beginning to end. Because, whenever I stumble and stumble in the place of my faith while reading, I turn the book upside down, no matter who the author is.

But at that time ‘Shankho Neel Karagar’ convinced me. I thought I really had an elder sister, not my own sister, my mother’s previous daughter, Rabeya is her name. She is not getting married because her skin color is black, her father bought ‘Fair and Lovely’ for her. The eldest son of this family is Khoka. Khoka Bhai is older than me, but sometimes I thought of myself as Khoka and sometimes I thought of myself as Montu. I don’t have any elder sisters. But it seemed that Rabeya Apa was my elder sister. And at that time I myself wrote one or two poems like Montu.

This writer wrote another novel with the same character name – ‘Nandito Naroke‘. The events are also of this same family, but the story is different. Both of them looks good in equal rhythm. This love affair has not ended with the passing of my favorite age with any other new book by this author, although I have tasted almost all of his notable books. It was just amazing among all of his notable works. “Shankho Neel Karagar” is one of the favorite book written by Humayun Ahmed.

Written by: Shakoor Majid

The forgotten Kankaboti


Trailokyanath Mukherjee was born on July 22, 1848. In the history of Bengali literature, he is especially known as the creator of satire. Apart from his mother tongue Bengali, he was proficient in several languages ​​like Persian, Oriya etc. Among his books are Kankaboti, Bhoot O Manush, Fokla Digambar, Damrucharita etc.We will discuss about the forgotten Kankaboti.

Trailokyanath Mukherjee’s first novel — the novel can be read by intellectuals — was published in 1892, when he became a mature man, aged 45; At that time the novel created a wave of bizarre juices in the readership.


The question is how far the limits of human imagination can go, or how long the bizarre can be written indiscriminately. So that Trilokyanath has been surprisingly successful. However, the bizarre story told by Trailokyanath is not uncommon in Bengali society, but so is the style of Bengali storytelling.


That is why Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar’s ‘Thakurmar Jhuli (1908)’ still makes a strong impression on the minds of teenage readers. However, it is difficult to say why ‘Kankaboti’ is becoming a forgotten novel day by day. Although we can easily grasp the magical reality of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, we sit down to search for logic in the case of Kankaboti.


The experience of listening to the story of a Bengali reader begins with a fairy tale, but when you come of age, you may not feel like graduating from that juice, do you? The Palm Wine Drinkard (1952) by Nigerian author Amos Tutuwala (The Palm Wine Drinkard 1952) is the epitome of bizarre — the seed of the story in Lokkani ছি I can accept why Kankabati’s fate was not so auspicious!

After the publication of ‘Kankaboti’, Rabindranath praised it a lot, saying: ‘There is no doubt that we liked this novel in general. The author has very easily evoked our humor and compassion in simple language and unabashedly introduced your imagination.


The story is divided into two parts. The first part is about real events and the second part is about impossible strange juices. It is a work of special ability to write such strange fairy tales well. In the realm of the impossible, where there are no fixed rules and no marked highways, we want the quality to guide the voluntary imagination in a mysterious way.


Because no matter how outwardly inconsistent and strange the subject matter of the composition may be, in order to inculcate juice, it must be bound by the rules of literature. The very nature of the fairy tale, its childish simplicity, its undoubted faithfulness that the writer has been able to preserve, is not a matter of little praise to him. ‘

While reading Rabindranath’s ‘Kankavati’, I remembered an English book called ‘Alice in Wonderland’; ‘She is also the dream of such an impossible, unrealistic, funny girl. But there is no such close conflict between the real and the unreal. ‘ The last sentence of Rabindranath has the qualities of becoming a novel of ‘Kankavati’. That is, the clash of the unreal with the real. We have to diagnose this conflict now.

The novel revolves around the public life of a village called Kusumghati. The resident here is Ramtanu Roy, whom people call Tanu Roy, who is an opportunistic Brahmin. He married his two daughters to two old men out of greed for money, and he considered this work scriptural. As usual, the two daughters returned home as widows.


The one who sits and destroys food is angry. Another son follows his father. The youngest daughter is Kankavati. That birth is incomparable in form. Their neighbor Brahmin Shivchandra Mukherjee is educated. Lives in Calcutta. The author introduces him in this way, ‘He used to read in sorrow and relieve the next sorrow as much as possible.


He gave food to many people and paid for the education of many boys. Such a person does not have money in his hands. Khetu is what is meant by an ideal child. Although many people backed away from their grief, Ramhari came forward to help and took Khetu to Calcutta for education. Khetu is a good student as usual. Snacks save money.

Kankabati’s mother came to accompany her mother. Sometimes leave the girl with him. He took care of Laxmimanta girl.

Another Niranjan poet from Kusumghati. Who is a scribe. He left the students at home and gave them food. The subject has no interest in property. Zamindar Janardhan Chowdhury intended to take away five bighas of his fifty bighas of land. Niranjan burned his land deed in front of the zamindar in a tobacco container and said, ‘Why only five bighas?


From today, my entire Brahmottar land is yours. He who has given life will feed Niranjan. ‘Niranjan accepted the abysmal path of poverty. Her students leave her shelter. Tanu Roy’s dispute with Niranjan is about scripture. He has become an enemy by challenging Tanu Roy’s opportunistic scripture.


Khetu came home on holiday and fell in love with the child Kankavati. Bring books for him. Teaches reading etc. Emotions and love developed between them. So that Khetu’s mother and Kankabati’s mother have indulgence. But Tanu Roy wants to marry Kankabati to old zamindar Janardhan Chowdhury out of greed for money. The wedding day is also right.

In the meantime, the zamindar kept Khetu in solitary confinement for eating ‘ice’ like the masters in Calcutta. In alliance with the zamindar are the gang members of Thangare (murderer), Ghandeshwar (alcoholic) and others.

Kankabati’s body became unbearably burnt as the wedding day was fixed and the grief of losing Khetu was felt. He went in the middle of the river by boat and dived to cover his body. Finding her, river fish, crabs, turtles, i.e. aquatic animals make her the queen.


His palace is a huge mansion. To make the queen’s royal attire, Kakra takes Kankavati to the tailor, with a sack of money behind the tortoise. This is the beginning of Kankabati’s magical journey. During the journey we see Kankabati getting married to a tiger. The tiger that is his farm again, that lives in a wonderful palace at the bottom of the hill.


When he goes out, he becomes a tiger. Kankavati lives with her husband in that palace. Khetu died. Then began the various activities of various characters including frogs, mosquitoes, elephants, khokkas, moons, stars, ghosts to save him. Kankavati goes to the sky and cuts from the root of the moon to a raised root. The description of bizarreness seems to exceed the limits of human imagination. There are many stories hidden in one story like the Arabian Nights.

The harsh reality through which the novel begins to move is a film of the social reality of nineteenth century Bengali novels. But the specialty of Trilokyanath is that he takes the reader beyond the realm of reality into the world of magic or a fantasy. The same fate befell all the other novels of that time in Kankavati, but it transcends strangeness. That is why ‘Kankavati’ cannot be called a fairy tale in simple words. ‘Kankavati’ may also give a new direction to Bengali novels in the future.

Abdush Shakur lamented, ‘Trailokyanath Mukherjee, this immortal storyteller of Bengali language, is almost dead today, less than a hundred years after his great love, he has been forgotten for a long time. This untimely death of the immortal writer but not the fault of the writer.


Then who is to blame? Professor? Professor? Publisher? Readers? Whoever is at fault, the fault must be removed. Because, the unforgettable work of Trailokyanath Mukherjee (1847-1919) has been perpetuated in the novel Kankavati, in the beginning of the pearl-garland in the various narratives of ghosts and people and in the impeccable storytelling of Damru-charit.


Fables have become metaphors among them. The characters have become symbols one by one. The joke has taken the form of a slanting critique of contemporary national life. ‘

Abdush Shakur did not explain in his writing why Trailokyanath remained unread. However, Professor Anisuzzaman blamed a kind of indifference on the part of previous writers. But now is the time for a new search, when the readers of the new age have become acquainted with the writings of Amos Tutuwala, Marquez or Naguib Mahfuz.

Written by: Shuvro Shahed


It means more than I can imagine

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenager who has become a symbol of the climate movement. He recently won a prize worth one million euros from a human rights organization in Portugal. She has donated about 98 million EUROS in Bangladeshi currency for the welfare of the people. She Said that It means more than I can imagine.Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (Swedish: [ˈɡrêːta ˈtʉ̂ːnbærj]  born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish environmental activist who has gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from climate change.

“It means more than I can imagine,” Greta Thunberg said in a video message online Monday. The entire amount of the award will be donated through my foundation to various organizations and projects that are working to help people affected by the climate crisis and environmental crisis.
Greta Thunberg was recently awarded the Gulbenkian Prize in Portugal. Greta Thunberg said the prize money of one million euros would go to Brazil’s Friday for the future. The group is working to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Amazon region.

The Stop Ecoside Foundation will receive another one million euros. The group is working to demand that the destruction of the environment be declared an international crime.

Earlier, the 18-year-old had won Amnesty International’s top human rights award, the Swedish Right to Livelihood Award.

12 year old boy has written 135 books


Mrigendra Raj a 12 year old boy has written 135 books including 51 on Ramayana characters.Mrigendra Raj a twelve-year-old boy from Ayodhya has written as many as 135 books in the genres of religion and biographies of famous personalities. He started writing at the age of six only. The World Record University in London has invited him to do a Doctorate. This young author has four world records to his name and goes by the pen name of ‘Aaj ka Abhimanyu’.

Raj has written books on 51 characters of the epic Ramayana and said that he has analyzed 51 characters of Ramayana by studying the epics. He put that knowledge into his books and the length of his book ranges between 25 and 100 pages.

Raj’s father works in the sugarcane department and his mother is a teacher in a private school. He has also written a biography on Yogi Adityanath the current Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister.

Mrigendra Raj said he started writing books at the age of six and his first one was a compilation of poems.

He uses the pen name of ‘Aaaj Ka Abhimanyu’ and already has four world records to his credit.

“I have written books after analyzing 51 characters of the Ramayana. Each of my books runs into 25 to 100 pages. I even received an offer from the World University of Records in London for doctorate,” he says.

His mother who is a teacher in a private school in Sultanpur says that her son developed a keen interest in writing and she encouraged him. His father is an employee in the state’s Sugar Industry and Cane Development Department.

About his future, Raj said that he would like to become a writer when he grows up and write maximum number of books on various subjects and genres.

Ratargul Swamp Forest


Ratargul Swamp Forest is a freshwater swamp forest located in Gowain River, Fatehpur Union, Gowainghat, Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Government of Bangladesh.

Its area is 3, 325.61 acre including 504 acre declared as the animal sanctuary in 2015. It is known as the Sundarbans of Sylhet. This only swamp forest in Bangladesh is located 26 kilometres (16 mi) far from Sylhet. The forest’s name comes from the word, “Rata” or “Pati” tree, used by the locals of Sylhet.

Enjoy the Bisnakhandi charms of high mountains, sinuous rivers, graceful waterfalls, and dancing clouds.Start your day early in the morning as you meet your private tour guide in your hotel lobby. Departing from Sylhet, your journey begins with a leisurely drive by picturesque rice paddies fields. After arriving at Ratargul Swamp Forest, you will board a boat to explore one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world.

The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry (Govt. of Bangladesh). The evergreen forest is situated by the River Grain and linked with the Chengir Khal canal. Most of the trees that grow here are Koroch trees. The forest goes under 20-30 feet of water during the rainy season. For the rest of the year, the water level is about 10 feet deep variously.

Continue to Bisnakhandi where many layers of the Khasi mountain meet at a single point from both sides. Flowing from above is a high waterfall. Adding to its charm are dark clouds hugging the mountains during the rainy season. Flowing underneath towards Bholaganj is a branch of the Piyain. Along the stream, flowing from high up in the mountains, come huge boulders that are deposited and mined in Bisanakhandi.

An exceptional place to visit. One of the very few swamp forest in Bangladesh. It’s a must place to visit for tourists. The best time for visit is rainy season from June to September. Ratargul forest still awaits co-management system

This forest is engulfed with freshwater in most of the seasons. This evergreen forest gets over flooded during the rainy season. Different local fish are available here. It’s the terrain of different creatures’ like snakes, monkeys, lizards, insects & birds.

You may also see vulture and Eagle. Some parts of this forest are very small, so boat ride would be tough. However, it is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Government of Bangladesh.

This evergreen forest is situated by the river Gowain and linked with the canal named Chengir Khal. Most of the trees grow here are Pongamia pinnata (Koroch tree). The forest goes under 20-30 feet water in the rainy season. Rest of the year the water level is about 10 feet deep.

How to go

Three type of transportation mode is available towards Sylhet from Dhaka. You can get in there by bus, train or air.

It is approximately 18.7 km away from Sylhet. You may take bus or CNG auto rickshaw and head towards Saklutikor road. Take rickshaw to reach there. After reach at Sylhet You can go to Ratargul by CNG for economy trip or by Noah/Car . CNG cost 800 tk Round trip Noah cost 3000 tk round trip. Car cost 2000-2500 tk .and boat 700-800 taka .

You can hire a local micro bus from sylhet city, they will take to ratargul.Takes about 60-70 minutes. Time required is more than two hours. you should hire the micro for the whole day, if you leave micro after reaching there, it will be difficult to get another one.

The micro can go up to hadarpar, there after you need to hire a engine boat. you may also avail the public engine boat to reduce costing. engine boat may take 1000-1500 tk for round trip.


Where to Stay

There are a number of good quality hotels in Sylhet town. Most of those are at the Mazar road, Amberkhana, or in Zindabazar. A brief list of hotels is given below:

  1. Hotel Eastern Gate & Panahar Restaurant.
    2. Hotel Gulshan.
    3. Hotel Dargah View.
    4. Greenland Hotel & Restaurant.
    5. Hotel City Link International.
    6. Surma Valley Rest House.
    7. Hotel Baharain Residential
    8. Hotel Qureishi Residence.
    9. Hotel Ajmeer.
    10. Hotel Payra.
    11. Hotel Supreme,
    12. Hotel Palash,
    13. Hotel Western,
    14. Hotel Anurag,
    15. Hotel Al-Amin,
    16. Hotel Garden’s Inn,
    17. Hotel Ferdous,
    18. Hotel Panama,
    19. Hotel Green,
    20. Hotel Hilltown,
    21. Hotel Rose View,
    22. Hotel Star Pacific,
    23. Hotel Tajmohal.

Things to do

  1. Enjoy boat trip.
  2. You’ll get the flavor of Amazon forest here.
  3. See different types of animals those can’t be seen otherwise.
  4. Observe the natural beauty of forest.

Eating Facilities

You’ll find all types of food in Goain Ghat. You can also have lunch or snacks at Nazimgarh resort. You may also look out for local restaurants available.

Travel Tips

You have to report and take permission from the forest office first before entering the forest, and request them to arrange a boat. You should not take any boat from outside. It may have the risk of hijacking with unknown boats.73 species of plants could be found in the forest till now. 80 percent of the forest area is covered with umbrella of the trees.

Two layer of plants can be seen in the swamp forest. The upper layer consists of trees and the lower one consists of intense Schumannianthus dichotomus. The canopy of the plants spreads up to 15 meters of height.

Though the forest is natural, the Forestry Department of Bangladesh has planted some watery plants like Calamus tenuis, Neolamarckia cadamba, Barringtonia acutangula, Calamus tenuis. Banyan Tree is very common in the forest. Besides that, Barringtonia acutangula, Millettia pinnata, Crateva religiosa or Hygrophila (plant), Alstonia scholaris can also be seen.