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Alveena Tazmeen Islam

Alveena Tazmin
Alveena Tazmin Islam

Alveena Tazmeen Islam is a Bangladeshi Child artist recites a few songs and poems but is very interested in acting. She also likes to write short stories. She wants to continue acting as well as singing. Alveena Tazmeen Islam born on 24th August.

Alveena made her small screen debut with small screen maker Masood Karim Sujan’s Dengue Nasir and Milk Vita, a docu-drama. Doku is seen in the role of a village girl in the drama. There, popular actor Lutfar Rahman George played the role of father and Shelley Ahsan played the role of mother.

Alveena Tazmeen Islam
Alveena Tazmeen

Alveena later played an important role in the 26th episode of season 2 of the private television channel Durant TV; Baba Thake Basaye. Her performance in each episode was acclaimed by the audience. Actor-producer Tauquir Ahmed, Munira Yusuf Memi, Bijri Barkat Ullah Afroza Banu, and many others also acted in the play.

Alveena has been seen in the play titled ‘Baba’ for the last Eid. On the fourth day of Eid, the drama was aired on the screen of private satellite television Boishakhi Television. The main characters of this play are Akhm Hasan and Nadia Ahmed. Alveena’s performance as a child artist in the play catches everyone’s eye.

Alveena said that although she is very quiet, she is not afraid in front of the camera. So from the very beginning, she got a lot of interest in acting and everyone appreciated it. Earlier, she also recited some songs and poems on TV. Wants to be regular in front acting.

Alveena is currently a fourth-grade student at Ideal School and College in the capital. She said that if the situation of coronavirus is normal, she will take part in the shooting of two more dramas.

Transparency and accountability are essential to build a prosperous Bangladesh


Transparency and accountability are essential to build a prosperous Bangladesh. The whole world is going through a transition period. At this time, as many people are suffering and some people are flourishing in wealth. Bangladesh is a developing country which is constantly becoming a middle income country. If we look at per capita income on paper, we can say that we have passed in a middle-income country, but the reality is different. Due to the long tenure of the present government, the development projects are relatively easy to see. The biggest projects in the history of the country are under implementation which can be presented as a model for the development of the country.

From this it is understood that there is no benefit in criticizing at all but the person who has the remote channel of the TV in his hand will turn it as he wishes. It is not possible to get the expected result. We know that our list of achievements is getting longer day by day and we are proud to be able to show them to everyone. After many years of independence, when we were able to successfully launch our own satellite, there was a lot of discussion and criticism about the project. It can be seen that there has been some criticism about each project but none of them has been given much importance.

If we want to build a better Bangladesh, we have to work together. The news is broadcast. Whenever this happens we inevitably see the opposition political party and its supporters vehemently oppose it. Although the project is important and development-friendly, it is opposed even if it is not. This basically hinders any kind of development. As a citizen of an independent country and a person with realism, I do not agree with this view in any way. I have a proposal to the government in this regard.

I want from today onwards, no matter which government is in power, before starting any project, it will inform the people about the project in a detailed written statement. Where it will be written what the project is, where it will be implemented, how much it will cost, how much will be spent in which sector, how the cost will be borne, what will be the benefit of the country and the people if this project is implemented. Whether there will be any social, financial, and environmental harm in doing so. If there is damage, what is the amount and what steps will be taken to overcome it. All of these issues need to be addressed before each project is approved. After which the opposition and other intellectuals of the country will give their views. That opinion must be taken into account. That is to say, not only do they have to oppose and give their opinion, but in the same way that the government will give details about their project, if anyone wants to oppose, they have to argue in their favor. The project will be approved or rejected after reviewing both the arguments. And only if we can do this can we get a developed, prosperous Bangladesh.

The Opposition has unilaterally criticized and opposed the government’s unilateral decision to build Padma Bridge, Metro Rail, Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Rampal Power Plant, Elevated Expressway, and tunnel under the river. The opposition can oppose, but it should argue in its favor, and the government should consider and refute those arguments.

Since the projects have been approved and a lot of work has been done, I wish the overall success of those projects and I would like to ask those who are criticizing them to point out the problems of the projects under implementation and suggest solutions so that they can be implemented better and the government should welcome those suggestions. To accept At the same time, we believe that we will be able to build a prosperous Bangladesh as expected if we can adopt the above mentioned method for the decision to implement small and big projects in the future.

It is important not only for the implementation of the project but also for the recruitment and selection of any vacancy. The selectors usually decide who will play in the cricket team, but those outside the selectors who have an experienced and important opinion do not have that opportunity. The constituency should compile a list of their selected players and other experts in the country will comment on the list. I think the team will be stronger in the same way. If we can, we will see some people in specific responsibilities who can bring a prosperous Bangladesh for us. It is not that those who are currently serving in various fields are not qualified but it can be more fruitful if they can be selected on the basis of accountability.

We know that if the projects could be made public, there would be no need for the current movements. The students’ protest against the Metrorail inside the university campus is just as logical. So we believe that Transparency and accountability are essential to build a prosperous Bangladesh.

Do whatever it takes to get talented children


Do whatever it takes to get talented children. All mothers want their children to be talented and intelligent. And it depends a lot on the mother’s proper eating habits. If a mother does not eat nutritious food, the damage that is done to her body falls on the child. For example, if there is a lack of folic acid, vitamin D, iron, etc., there will be some deficiency in the body. And the effect will be on the child.

Lack of proper nutrition of the mother can lead to problems in the mental development of the baby. What the mother eats during pregnancy plays a big role in the physical and mental structure of the child. During pregnancy, you can eat some foods that can increase your baby’s IQ (intelligence quotient). According to experts, when your child is born, his brain size is 25% of that of an adult. At 2 years of age, it increases to 75% which is a normal brain. In the first two years, the child needs proper development of the brain.

Let’s find out what foods you can eat during pregnancy to give birth to an intelligent child.

Fish: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These are very important for the development of the child’s brain. One study found that mothers who ate fish more than twice a week during pregnancy had higher IQs.

Eggs: Eggs are rich in the amino acid choline, which improves brain structure and improves memory. Pregnant women should eat at least two eggs a day to get half of the choline they need. The protein and iron in eggs increase weight at birth.

Yogurt: Your body works hard to build the child’s nerve cells. For this, you will need some extra protein. You need to eat more protein foods such as yogurt. Yogurt contains calcium which is needed during pregnancy.

Iron: Iron is a very useful element. Which helps the child to be intelligent. These foods must be eaten during pregnancy. Iron delivers oxygen to your unborn baby. You should also take iron supplements on the advice of a doctor.

Blueberries: Fruits like blueberries, artichokes (data trees), tomatoes and red beans contain antioxidants. So during pregnancy, these fruits protect and develop your baby’s brain tissue.

Vitamin-D: It is very important for the development of the baby’s brain. Studies have shown that mothers who have less than the required vitamin levels have weaker brains in their babies. Vitamin D is found in eggs, cheese, beef, liver, etc. In addition, there is a wealth of vitamin-D in sunlight.

Iodine: Iodine deficiency can lower a child’s IQ, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Eat iodized salt during pregnancy. You can also eat marine fish, snails, eggs, yogurt, etc.

Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, pulses etc. provide folic acid. Folic acid supplements should also be taken with vitamin B-12.

Folic acid is essential for the formation of brain cells. One study found that women who took folic acid four weeks before and eight weeks after delivery were 40 percent less likely to have autistic children. So folic acid is a very important food.

Model: Addhay

Working mothers are in danger in Corona time


Working mothers are in danger in Corona time. The coronavirus has spread around the world in such a way that no one is safe in their own home today. Infections are increasing day by day in many ways. Among them, all the women who are working together, and the mother of the child are at great risk. Not only risk but also panic all the time.

The man who wants the overall welfare of the child and the family is going to work at risk on a risky day to keep the family well. As a result, working mothers have to be approached all the time. Hundreds of people have to come in contact with her since she left for the office in the morning. She does not even know which person is coming in front of, behind, or passing by her as a carrier of the virus and is unknowingly taking part of the virus into the house and putting the children and others in the house at risk.

A female artist was singing at a recent event when a picture of her three- or four-year-old daughter hugging her went viral on social media. This picture is of a working mother. A few days ago, another picture showed a woman bank officer in India sitting on a chair-table in the office, working on the back floor with her baby child suffering from a small fever lying on a milk bottle. This is also a picture of a working mother.

The role of the father in raising children is limited to earning money and sometimes explaining reading. Mother has to handle everything equally. But if the mother is a worker, then the problem does not end. Also, a large part of working women are forced to stay in the workplace to raise a child as a single mother. Is. This has become even more frightening these days in Corona. Although the school is closed so there is no issue of sending the child to and from school, but he himself is leaving the child and going to the office in a kind of uncertainty. Returning again with fear and apprehension. On the other hand, as there are online classes in the schools, the working mother is not able to give time to the child to supervise them and as a result, the child’s education is being hampered.

Pushing the crowds in the city of Jam, huddled in the bus without getting a seat, going to the office every day, and returning home at the end of the day with endless misery is her daily routine. The safety of the child is more important to the mother than herself.

Women’s talent and hard work are still rarely valued in our workplaces. In addition, working mothers often have to listen to harsh words and comments from their superiors and male colleagues when they are on leave due to their child’s illness. In this risky condition of coronavirus, a man can stay alone in the office all day if he wants to, but a working woman who is someone’s mother, someone’s wife cannot be alone in any way.

This society has single-handedly placed the responsibility of husband and child on her shoulders. The mother’s affection for her child is incomparable. She can’t push the child away even in such a catastrophe if she wants to, so for working mothers, coronation has become the equivalent of a poisonous cut that is hurting her again and again. Maternity leave says that the issue is ongoing. In the same way, working mothers should have taken emergency leave, in the same way, considering the child.

A woman who enters her career after listening to various things of the society after finishing her university studies with the dream of standing on her own feet also has to sit on the pedestal of marriage for various reasons. After that, as he struggles with his new family and job, he may not hear the news of the arrival of his unborn child for years. As soon as the lime falls from the drink, all the blame falls on the woman. In the case of the child’s illness, the poor result of the test, as if there is no fault of the father, all the fault lies with the working woman.

Many working women who have no one in the family to look after their children are being forced to give up work for their children. And those who are working hard and raising children are struggling to cope with the two together. It has become even more frightening during this time of the Coronavirus. Working mothers are unable to quit their jobs and are unable to hold on properly. Both she and her child are at risk.

Originally Written by: zazafee

Translated by: Teenagers
4 June 2020

Model: Bornomala and her mother

Omar Faruk Alvi

Omar Faruk Alvi

Omar Faruk Alvi is a Bangladeshi actor. There are many brilliant and talented child actors in Bangladesh, Omar Faruk Alvi is one of them. Omar Faruk Alvi’s nickname is Alvi. He got much success in his acting carrier.

Omar Faruk Alvi

Born and brought up

Alvi was born on 8th October in Dhaka. He is first the child of his parents. His parents are Md. Shahabuddin (Businessman) and Umme Hani (Housewife). His family started living in Dhaka since 1983. Currently he is living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. His first School is Light Home International School. His present school is Motijheel Government High School and College.He is showing his skills in studies as well as extracurricular activities. Like He won thrice Annual Drawing Competition in his school. 

Except this, he won many prizes in Annual Essay Competition in different events. Also once he wons prize in recitation in annual cultural competition. Except this, he is fond of Debating. In a Debate tournament of his school, his team was runner-up. He is learning about Debate from last two years. In his school, he is one of the topper student. His teachers and his friends likes him very much.


Acting carrier

His starting of acting carrier was unexpected. Alvi’s 1st work is Duranto TV Channel’s ” Sohor Theke Dure.” He faced two audition to get this work. Before doing this he did not get any formal education about acting. On the 1st audition the director Sayed Rinku likes him very much for his talk style, natural acting, expressions etc. On the 2nd audition, he called him at the Duranto channel’s office.

There he took a final audition of Alvi and show him to the producer of the series; the producer was also pleased by seeing his skills. After two days his uncle (Wahid Ansar Hillol) received a phone call from Duranto channel’s office. The call was for Alvi; that he was selected for the lead character of the series. The character name was ‘Shuvro’. It was a challenging work for him because he had work in Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban and also in the deep sea.

Alvi with intekhab Dinar

At the press conference of the series, he said, “It was a great experience to me that we had to work in Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban and in the deep sea. In Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban we stayed about 20 days.


Alvi told – We had to shoot in the deep sea by taking risk of our lives and in Bandarban, we climbed a mountain about 700 fit. Really It was a great experience to me and I am thankful Sayed Rinku uncle to give me a chance to work in this series. I hope Audience will like our drama series” After this work Alvi got a chance to work for a drama in BTV. After that work, he started to work regularly in media. He thought he will never look back from the position. In his carrier he does two documentary work. One was for UNICEF about rising the awareness for child kidnapping and second was for BTV about mobile phone addiction. He also worked in a film named ‘Jibon Theke Pawa’ about a freedom fighter’s family. In that film, he worked with Mahiya Mahi and Saymon Sadik. Before this situation Alvi was working in a mega serial of ATN Bangla with Mosharraf Karim, Urmilla Srabantikar, Nadia Mim, Sheikh Swapna etc senior artists…

Likes and Hobby

Alvi likes to watch cartoons. His favourite cartoon is “Tom and Jerry”. He is also a big fan of Mr Bin. In his leisure, he reads books. He likes to read books about detective and science-fiction. Sometimes he passed his leisure by drawing. He also loves to Debate. Except this in weekends he plays cricket, badminton and football with his friends and cousin. His favourite sport is football. Since he likes to read books his favourite writer is Sunil Gangopadhyay.

Aim of Alvi

Alvi wants to be a pilot from his childhood. Because he want to travel the whole world. But now his life’s other goal is to become an actor. So he is focusing on his two aims. Besides this, he also wants to be a writer.

Some drama’s by Alvi

Advantages of the pandemic

Maymuna Islam Medha
Let’s talk about the advantages of the pandemic. This coronavirus pandemic has changed our life drastically. There are bad effects of the pandemic but many good things happened as well. Now, we all know how badly it affected everyone’s life. But do we know about the greater aspects of this?
This pandemic has taught us that if we are careful about our hygiene, we can change our whole environment. For example, frequently washing our hands whenever needed, keeps us clean as well as our household environment. Also watching one person being hygenic, the other people in our society starts following that one person
Also, in this pandemic, while people are staying at home, they are exploring different aspects of their creativity. They are investing time in their talent which they did not know existed before because of study pressure or job pressure. People started making videos of them singing, they started writing, cooking, etc. For example, Heidi, a 19-year-old girl was always in pressure for her studies. But in this quarantine, she discovered, she had an amazing talent for writing stories. So she explored her talent and self-published amazing stories for people. 
Apart from the advantages  of the pandemic to the people, the environment has also become an amazing place to reside in. There is far less pollution in the air, the sky is bluer and the water is clearer. Birds started building nests in the areas where they were nearly extinct. Fishes started growing in the rivers where fishes were nearly extinct.
However, the economy of the world has also changed. But even though most of the businesses are experiencing a major loss, masks and sanitizer businesses are making more profits than usual. There are different qualities of masks with different price tags.
Now, quarantine may be boring for a lot of people but for some people, it’s an escape from the outer reality. Introverts, who have a hard time mixing with other people are having a good time spending with themselves. They are less bullied and happier in this quarantine. They have time to practice self-love and gratitude. And when this quarantine ends,  they might be a different person with new perspectives of life.
In conclusion, even though it is a hard time,  we need to bring out the light. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining. Maintain peace and prosperity and a hygenic life and you’ll be able to see a different perspective in life.
Writer: Yashna Zarine
Feature Model: Medha

Why teens are more depressed?


Do you know why teens are more depressed? What’s the reason behind it? You may have always ignore the fact or overlooked it. But it’s really a problem for running decades and challenging for both the teens and the Parents. According to experts–the probable reasons may face pressures at home or school, worry about financial issues for their families.

And you can’t imagine how dangerous the outcome you have to face either as a parent or as a teen?

According to–

So you may understand how important issues it is! And It’s high time, we changed the situation, the thinking and the behavior with the teens surrounding us.

Let’s talk what’s the probable issues makes them more and more depressed, but Before shifting we’ve to know the sign of depression which help to understand what’s going on your teens mind?

According to an article for World of Psychology; Borchard lists some common indicators and which really help to find it our what’s on your teens mind? Whether he/she is depressed or not! Let’s have a look on it:

  • Sadness or hopelessness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Sluggishness (less active)
  • Substance abuse
  • Spending more time alone
  • Decrease in desire to do things they used to like to do (sports, activities, hobbies)
  • Physical ailments (headaches, appetite problems, sleeping problems)
  • Problems in school (falling grades, getting into trouble, not paying attention in class)
  • Talking about death or suicide
  • Not caring about appearance
  • Running away from home

So what’s the reason behind it? It’s it necessary to find it out? I’ve tried to gather some important causes searching by different article and going to present here;

Causes & Risk Factors:

1.Physiological imbalance:

  • The physiological imbalance is an important thing of depression and this could be either for brain distinction or Hormonal imbalance. Neurotransmitters are the naturally occurring chemicals and carry signals to the brains and bodies. When these chemicals are abnormal or impaired than one feels depressed and other changes in the body.
  • Changing the hormones may also lead to triggering depression.

2.Other risk factors including:

  • Having been the victim of violence such as sexual abuse or something
  • Having ongoing pain or physical abnormalities
  • Having a long time internal family problems like poverty or violence.
  • Having extra pressure of academic work or failed to reach the target goal.
  • Social environment and negative thought patterns.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse can affect mood and lead to depression.


Lastly, never ignore the signs or symptoms of depression. Depression is always treatable just try to find it out.If left untreated, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or sometimes may lead to serious mental disorder after having a long time sufferings and as a parent –have to suffer in the long run.


Written by: Rony Ibne Masud
Faculty of Veterinary science
Bangladesh agricultural university, Mymensingh-2202



Can You Play With Your Madness


Can You Play With Your Madness

Here is an excerpt from one of the books of Paolo Coelho-“Once upon a time, powerful wizard, who wanted to destroy an entire kingdom, placed a magic potion in the well from which the inhabitants drank. Whoever drank that water would go mad.

The following morning, the whole population drank from the well and they all went mad, apart from the king and his family, who had a well set aside for them alone, which the magician had not managed to poison. The king was worried and tried to control the population by issuing a series of edicts governing security and public health. The policemen and the inspectors, however, had also drunk the poisoned water, and they thought the king’s decisions were absurd and resolved to take notice of them.tahmid


When the inhabitants of the kingdom heard these decrees, they became convinced that the king had gone mad and was now giving nonsensical orders. They marched on the castle and called for his abdication. In despair, the king prepared to step down from the throne, but the queen stopped him,saying: ‘Let us go and drink from the communal well. Then we will be the same as them.’ And that was what they did. The king and queen drank the water of madness and immediately began talking nonsense. Their subjects repented at once; now that the king was displaying such ‘wisdom’, why not allow him to rule the country?

The country continued to live in peace, although its inhabitants behaved very differently from those of its neighbors. And the king was able to govern until the end of his days.” We live in a world full of mad people. Everybody has his or her specific way of exposing madness. I have a predilection for writing. Writing is my madness. I hope the readers would excuse my single-mindedness in this writing.

We should know about the demarcation between our aims and our dreams. Aim is a choice a person chooses to earn a living. One meets his/her fundamental needs by fulfilling his/her aim. But one can gain a sated heart only by fulfilling his/her dream.


The way towards fulfilling our dreams is as prickly as that towards fulfilling our aims. The world considers the dreamers as ‘the madders ones’. For those madder people are dangerous, they make their dreams come true. Everyone in this world is dealing with a very tough schedule. An ideal life of a man living in Bangladesh can be exemplified here. During mid and high-school period, a student remains obsessed with his/her studies. Exams, quizzes, homework deluge his/her life. But no one can get an abundance of time in the university/college life either. Many students start their professional carriers from this time. Besides, they have to face numerous exams and assignments too. And then the professional chores frame their lives. In short, it is really tough to find some time for our madness.


But the dreamers always find some time for themselves. They fulfill their dreams and also lets the world dance with their madness. To realize it, we may peek into the lives of some ardent dreamers. Once Humayun Ahmed was passing a very hard time. His semester exam was ahead but he was distracted. He could not concentrate on his studies. One evening, he took his notebook and started writing. He wrote at stretch and finished his work at late midnight. Thus we got his first novel “Nondito Noroke’.

Bill Gates is more known as a ‘Harvard dropout.’ He also has a charming history. When he was in eighth grade, he started real programming in Lakeside School. In 1971, he and his friends used to hang around the computer center at the University of Washington. When he was dropped out of Harvard, he had been programming for seven consecutive years.

J.K. Rowling’s path towards becoming a writer was never easy. She was having fear of conspicuous failure while submitting her first book. To the young writers, she suggested 5 ‘must do’s in one of her articles ‘On Writing’ – reading, maintaining discipline, defending humility, having courage, and finding independence. Sometimes the muse does not work on us. Yet, the dreamers must move on. As regards the present context, now we are facing a very intense situation. We cannot stick to our plans even if we want to. Both of our student and professional lives are hampered. But it might be the perfect time to unleash our madness.

We can write our thoughts, produce new tunes or paint our imagination. We must not give into other people’s madness, like that royal couple, just because of our fear. An individual’s madness makes him/her an individual. When s/he forsakes his/her madness, s/he forsakes his/her uniqueness. Now the question is- “Can you play with your madness?’

Written by: Tahmid Wasit.

Class 12.

Appreciate Qualities!


In today’s changing world, how people judge others? By their personality, human qualities or only through the outer appearances? How important is it to value qualities over external elegances?

When getting acquainted with someone for the first time, usually everyone looks at their externality. So external elegance is also a bit important, only a little because a cultured person must have the clothing and talking senses according to space and time. But it is inappropriate when a person’s ability is judged by only his outer look or costly get-up. Even some reprehensible people laugh at the outwards imperfections of others forgetting their disabilities.

Especially, in adolescence, maximum teenagers waste time to get attention through their externality because, at that particular time, boys and girls expect to be more noticeable. With doubt, they have the slightest idea that their classmate, no matter how fat, slim, black or different, can also be a good friend of theirs, and they shouldn’t push him through words.

Practicing good human qualities to be worthy should be always praised in our society, not how the person looks like. So, stop to show yourself so perfect and do things to be a person of moral values and qualifications.

Correcting faults by constructive criticism and appreciating good efforts may helpful for own self and others. Try to discover one’s distinctive wellness that has more prices over his physical structure and other outward parts.

Writer: Shahnaz Parvin Shetu

You can also read:

Prithvi Singh

prithvi singh

Prithvi Singh is one of the best Bollywood child artists. He has acted in the movie “Barah by Barah directed by Gaurav Madan”. Prithvi’s full name is Prithvi Singh . Nickname is Prithvi.

prithvi Singh

Born and raised:

Prithvi was born on June 11,2011 at New Delhi, India. Prithvi’s mother’s name is Payel Singh and father’s name is Ashish Singh. His father is a businessman and mother is house wife.

Both of them are proud of their Little Star Prithvi Sing.

Education and others:

Prithvi currently lives with his family in New Delhi. Nine-year-old Prithvi is in fourth grade at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan at New Delhi, India.

Prithvi Singh

Prithvi is an impossibly favorite student of his school teachers.

Acting and modeling life:

The little charming prince named Prithvi entered the media holding the hand of his father.

The entire family inspired him for this hour. He made her media debut in 2018 at the advertisement of Rooh Afzah.

And also Borosil with world number 1 wresler bajrang Punia. And quite a vast of short films.

He also doing the episodes for Top parenting learning App.And all these r going amazing.

The directors also like Prithvi impossible because Prithvi takes everyone very easily at the end of the day.

Favorite topics and hobbies:

Prithvi’s favorite color is red and his favorite food is pizza, chicken and he’s fond of Noodles .

Little Prithvis father is playing a role as a shield in his career.

Prithvi Singh

He handles everything from being picked up from school to being taken to the shooting spot alone. He hopes that one day Prithvi will surely be a very big man. Prithvi’s talent In addition to dance performances, he amazingly plays cricket. We can say Cricket be his passion. Future plannings Prithvi’s favourite actor is Shahrukh Khan, the most amazing and ever charming star of industry.

But in one of his interview, Prithvi said he wants to be Prithvi Singh.He want to be him and upto his last he wants to be the amazing and super artists with the then industry.

Prithvi Singh

Prithvi Singh



There are so many talented and brilliant child actor & actress are engaged in the film industry in Bangladesh“WANIA JARIN ANVITA” is one of them.

She repeatedly performed in TVC, OVC, and in TV DRAMA serial and also she often involved in several PHOTO SHOOT related works for the different products in Bangladesh.

Anvita is very much devoted, dedicated and enthusiastic for her each and every works.

Anvita always trying her best in her every work like modeling, Photo Shoot or Sports.

Day by day she is becoming the most adorable and acceptable Child Artist in Bangladeshi Media.

In her current short career she spectacles a lots of artistic, imaginative, inventive, creativityand innovative in her works in the media. She always try to show a state-of-the-art style in her every works in media line.

Wania Jarin Anvita

Birth,Family & Education:

Anvita was born in 17th June, 2010. Her birth place is in Dhaka.

She is the younger princess of her parents. By profession her father Mr. Sheikh Ashraful Haque is an Investment Banker and her mother Mrs. Laizu Akhter is a house wife.

Anvita is very much adorable by her all family members. She is being always lovable by her sweet elder sister Jarah and her grandparents too.

Al of her friends and teachers loves her so much and they always appreciate her in Modeling.

Young actress Anvita, currently studied in class IV at Scholastica School.Beside, her acting and modeling Anvitais always a good student as well as she is one of the top student of her class.

Wania Jarin Anvita

Award & Achievement:

Anvita achieved 1st Runner UP award in the International Math Competition among the participants ofmore than 35 countries (i.e. China, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Australia, USA, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Coastarica etc.) held at “Congress Center”, WORLD TRADE CENTER, Moscow, Russia on 22nd, July 2018.

Besides her education, Anvita is trying to keep learning in dancing, drama acting and drawing in different academy in Dhaka.

Currently she is engaging in dancing and drama acting in her school also. She is an all-rounder girl who is expert in many things like Swimming, Riding Bicycle and Roller Skating etc. Cycling is one of her favorite things. She achieved riding of bicycle in two days before her one of TVC shoot.

Sometimes she helps her mother in cooking food and others household works. Anvita always trying to learn new things in her everyday life.

Wania Jarin Anvita

Career & Future  Plan:

Anvita started her journey in media at her early age with a TVC of product “Ricco (Blender)” with a renowned actress Sharmin Lucky under director TanveerShehzad. Since then she called up for various type of media works and then she never looked back.

Over and over again she sign up for different type of TVC, OVC, Drama and Photoshoot for different products.Anvita even act in the TVC/OVC of Horlicks, Grameenphone, Maggi Noodles, Radhuni Halim Mix, LG Dual Inverter AC, Dano Captain, RFL Tiffin Box, Wonder Cake, Pepsodent, Country Natural, Savlon Hand Wash, Lucy Oliva Olive Oil and so on.

Wania Jarin Anvita

Amitav Reza is one of the prominent director in Bangladesh cast Anvita for TVC of ACI Pure Atta and AlpenliebeCreamfills.Anvita always enjoy her work and she loves to take challenges. When she was acting in the documentary series named “Chutirdine” for Duronto TV it was a challenging work because the shooting time was winter season and the area of shooting was Manikganj.

Not only that, she had to jump in the middle of the canal to catch the fish in that cold frosty morning for shooting purpose. Anvita said that it was an amazing experience.Anvita also has experience to take part for different special occasion in Bangladesh like “Mother’s Day”, “Father’s Day”, “Children’s Day” and “Independent Day” in the banner of “citygroup”, “Olympic Industries Limited”, “Bisk Club” and “ACI” respectively.Anvita’s one of the notable work is for Eye Donation program under “Radiant Pharmaceuticals”.

She achieved a vast popularity by doing this program. “Walton Fan” TVC is another good work of Anvita with the prominent actor and director Mir Sabbir. Anvita’s another big casting TVC was “Infinity Mega Mall” and “M. K. Electronics” with most talented anddecentmodel Nobel and PeyaBipasha. She also often took part of Photoshoot of Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd., Mr. Noodles, Pran RFL Tiffin Box, Pran Jelly connected with different brand.

Recently, Anvita has been selected for the film named “BANGABANDHU” regarding the biopic of the legendary person’s life Bangabandhu“SHEIKH MUJIBUR RAHMAN”. Conventionally this is defined as a joint venture movie between Bangladesh and India, commemorating Bangabandhu’s birth centenary. This movie is directed by the acclaimed Indian director “ShyamBenegal”. In this filmAnvita is nominated for the junior character of the Prime Minister of the people’s republic of Bangladesh “SHEIKH HASINA”.

Some work of Anvita

List of Anvita’s Drama serial:

“HoynaApitaf” directed by Joyonto Raj, co-actor/ actress – Abul Hayat,BijoriBarkatullah,Intekhab Dinar.

“SreyarSheshThikana” directed by Imran Rony, co-actor/ actress – Nadia, Nayem.

Currently,she has alsocompleted adrama serial“MechoTotaGechoBhoot” as one of themain casting role named “Moina”. This drama is based on the story of village educational program for the popular TV channel Duronto TV directed by SymoNazrul.

Towards the end,Anvita always trying to do her best in her educational curriculum program. Her dream is to be a good doctor or another goal to be an astronaut. Beside this she would love to be an actress too.

Laugh hard build confidence


Laugh hard build confidence.Self-confidence is vital in almost every aspect of our lives, yet many people struggle to find it. Hearing about self-confidence a question arises in our mind, what is self- confidence? Self-confidence is understanding that you trust your own judgment and abilities and that you value yourself and feel worthy regardless of any imperfections or of what others may believe about you.

Self-confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy and fulfilling life.The more confident you become, the more you’ll be able to calm the voice inside you that says-“I can’t do it!” Building confidence means taking small steps that leave a testing sense of accomplishment.

As our confidence grows, we’ll find ourselves more driven to stretch our abilities. Self-confidence gives us the skills and coping methods to handle setbacks and failures. Self-confidence doesn’t mean you won’t sometimes fail, but you’ll know you can handle challenges and not be crippled by them. As you keep pushing yourself to try new things, you’ll start to truly understand how failure and mistakes lead to growth. An acceptance that failure is a part of life will start to take root.

The main reason we struggle with little issues is that we compare our life with someone else’s. If we want to compare, next time we should compare our own development, believe in our own abilities. There are people who want to change themselves just because someone else said something. Just because other people said something doesn’t mean that’s the truth! This is our self-doubt and lack of confidence. Your doubt will kill your good thoughts and make your life miserable.

Sometimes the people will talk behind you because they can’t stand your glow and your happiness. You never know how worthy you are! You are brighter than your doubts. Life is too short to doubt yourself. So, change your perspective and know who you are.

Written by: Taquia Labiba

A Perfect Portrait

The changing world and the mental health of young people

A Perfect Portrait


The artist was waiting patiently
Before his long broad canvas.
His eyes- sated with enthusiasm
His fingers- showing the utmost adroitness.

He grabbed a color palette with his one hand,
A brush with the other.
A new portrait is going to be made.
A portrait, more realistic than ever.

The complexion would be
Neither as bold as stone,
Nor as weak as sands,
Not as deliberate as storms,
Not as gullible as scudding clouds,
The complexion would be flawless.

The artist on the midway, gave a pause,
Looked around and saw the audience,
“One, two, three,” he began to count,
“7 billion”, he finished.
All were waiting yearningly
Waiting for a perfect portrait.

At last the artist was done,
Then all the audience stared at the complexion,
Oh, he portrayed a man’s life
But he failed to give it perfection.


Written by: Tahmid Wasit

Class 12.

Barishal Cadet College.

How effective online learning is?


The Question is How effective online learning is? The Pandemic COVID-19 has resulted in schools closed all across the world.Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom.The final exam of the semester become stopped.So, what can we do to make our Quarantine effective?Can we go on online learning? Is online learning effective? Do you achieve the carrier goal that you need by online learning?

There’re a lot of questions arises behind the issue.But I surely tell you–the answer of all the question is yes.I’m not telling you according to my own opinion rather statistics also says the same.IBM has found that participants learn five times more material in online learning courses using multimedia content than in traditional face to face courses.Let’s have a look, why online learning is more effective than topical learning style.

1.Less stressful:

Do you remember before the time of quarantine? You have to raise up early in the morning, having small breakfast or not, start running towards the classroom.Sometimes you may make one or half minutes late and fail to attend the class.This is the normal scenario of most of the student daily routine.But in case of online learning –There is no walking up for 7 am classes or rushing through traffic to get to class on time.The program of online classes is flexibly designed allows the student to learn from own place. This flexibility reduces the stress of learners.The student can develop their own routine and schedule.

Another thing, being force to learn at a specific pace can be very challenging and stressful.Where in case of online, student can grasp it from Their own comfort zone.

The last things to be added, in case of traditional classes many students quickly become bored and try to concentrate forcefully which could create feelings of frustration, apathy and stress.

2.Access to expertise:

One example may help you to clear the fact, suppose you’re studying at veterinary science school and having a great interest programming.The problem is that–Your campus don’t provide programmers or you can’t effort to go on programming classes on other colleges or Institutions; as this is quite unrealistic to maintain your schedule. But Online classes allow the sharing of expertise that helps more people have access to education that is not readily available in certain geographic locations.You’ve the chance to finish the module with your flexible time which reduces your tension or concussion.You may get world classes teachers and institutions.

3.Require less time investment:

Many students are put off enrolling in a face to face courses due to the time investment.Walking for classes, waiting for tutors and sometimes for classmates is quite time consuming where online learning overcome such issues. Brandon Hall report on e-Learning within corporations found that this style of learning typically requires 40-60% less employee time than learning in a traditional classroom setting.

4.Opportunity to enroll variety of courses:

Worldwide there’s a lot of online classes providers(LinkedIn, Learning, Plural sight, Udemy, Udacity, Coursera, Hub Spot Academy, Khan Academy, CBT, Nuggets)worldwide and provides several courses.Thus create an opportunity to choose any of topics at your own choices at any time.

According to The National Center for Education Statistics about 5.4 million students, or 25.8 percent of the college student population, took at least one online class.And the number is increasing day by day.Due to it effectiveness its becoming popular. Many experts believe online learning is the future of education.


Written by: Rony Ibne Masud
Faculty of Veterinary science
Bangladesh agricultural university,Mymensingh-2202



Our Result and Concerns of Our Life


Lets talk about Our Result and Concerns of Our Life.To all the beautiful soul who just have crossed the school boundary passing SSC examination.First of all, if you are satisfied with your result, then a big congratulation to you.If you are not, then this write-up is for you.

Have you ever wondered why are you here in this vast universe? What is your role in this earth or why have you been sent here? Actually, we often can not fathom this stuffs until we do or achieve something extraordinary. For sure, this achievements do not necessarily have to be your academic success. It is far beyond these.Public exam pass marks 40, no GPA 5

Who is Greater than Institutions

To be very frank and practical, the result of board examinations are not worthless completely. A good result of SSC examination helps you get admitted to a good government college and a good result of HSC helps smoothen your admission process to public universities. We, children of medium or low income family, usually remain in pressure to get admitted in government or public institutions to reduce pressure on our family. If you work hard in order to fulfill this motto, we appreciate your efforts whether you’ve made this possible or not. But, let me remind you a very important thing – People make institutions great, not institutions.

Steady on Your Work

SSCHence, you’ve to bring improvement on your self, your work and your learning. Precisely, you can make a way to show your blaze if you have strong will. Be steady on your learning…may it be coding or your interest in mathematics or chemistry or your passion in literature or your interest in the twist of physics. Think out of the syllabus.

The happiness lurks in the present and so, work on it to have your better version in your future. Rubem Alves said – “everyone is hoping that joy will be here after graduation, the wedding, the birth, of the trip, the promotion, the lottery, the election of the new house, the separation, of the retirement…and she is not enough, because the joy doesn’t live in the future, but only in the now.”

Institutions do not teach everything

Our textbooks or institutions do not teach us all of the necessary things of our life. They do not teach us how not to be deceived while buying your necessary items, to give console, to refrain yourself from being arrogant or egoistic, to raise your voice seeing racism or injustice or crime and so on. That is why, do not think that our world is confined in this academic activities. So, let’s take a chill pill and make a new good start, shall we?


Written by: Humaira Binte Rashid



It’s 9 am and even I knew I need to get up & get dressed for work, I just can’t seem to gather the energy to get up. I’ve been feeling this way for quite some time now.  As my hands reach for my phone and I open it, the reason finally hits me. The emptiness that I’ve been feeling on the inside is reflected perfectly on my phone screen.

My mind now swims back to the glorious days. Those days when the sweet *ting* of your messages kept me up all night. Do you think I don’t remember the exact way the phone’s light hit my face as I groggily switched on the screen in the morning? In fact, I remember the exact intensity of the light. It used to warm my face in the winter mornings.

But now there is never a message from the group chat named ‘ Friends XD ‘. I spend the nights holding my silent phone close to my heart but no longer do I wake up to 2000 messages. The only roast that I get now is from Biriyanis and sadly that happens very rarely. Now, I laugh alone cherishing the memories of our meets at the restaurant we used to call “Third home”. Sometimes, how the waiters also cracked jokes along with us.

It’s 9.30 I quickly wipe the single teardrop from my face and console myself with the thought that at least  I had the privilege of having a group chat on fire. I make a mental note that, one I’ll sit my kids by the fire, and tell them the story of the days when the group chat was on fire. There was never a lonely moment. The fire has long faded and for now, only Charlie Puth’s words can express my inner turmoil, ” We don’t talk anymore Like we used to do.”
Written by: Siam An Nisa

The Acceptance of Telemedicine service


The Acceptance of Telemedicine service at the veterinary profession in Bangladesh. According to Wallack–Telemedicine is the remote delivery of healthcare services, such as health assessments or consultations, over the telecommunications infrastructure. This is an important feature of health services in the 21st century. Sometimes it’s called telehealth or e-medicine. It’s nowadays using widely and growing It’s importance more rapidly than before. It’s become clear when we see the statistics on telemedicine services and estimated that the telemedicine market in the U.S. is expected to grow by about 35 billion dollars by 2025.

So we can easily expect the value of telemedicine. Having a lot of upsides it becomes more and more useable in the next decades. Having more beneficial effects and some challenges Bangladesh is also being the part of telemedicine services and was initiated by “Swinfen”, a charitable organization in 1999 and we have passed almost 20 years of telemedicine entry. Although having some problem, it’s becoming important increasingly day by day.

As demand for veterinary service increasing rapidly, veterinary service also entered a few steps on Vet telemedicine services and It’s the crying need to give more attention to this portion of the health service. There are several institutions and clinics opened their telemedicine services but not focused at all.

Having a lot of challenges in spreading telemedicine services in Bangladesh, It’s become quite inactive comparing the world countries. The main challenges are:

  • According to the American Veterinary Medical Association(AVMA) website, telehealth is a term that covers all uses of technology to help the veterinary profession to provide remote access to health information, education, and/or care. So the First questionaries who will provide the services? As Human health service, comparatively the number of doctors is less. So getting doctors is the number one problem in Bangladesh.
  • It’s also important to make the financial coverage of a veterinarian or clinician who will willing to provide the services, but comparing the developed country the investment mentality is less, if we see in America, they were expected to spend $75.38 billion on pet services and products by the end of 2019. So giving proper financial coverage is also the point. Either It’s provided by the owners of the animal or subsidy by the government. As there are no specific rules, so It’s quite challenging to take the risk as a veterinarian or a vet clinician.
  • Already It’s known to all; our patients don’t talk to the doctor. So examining the patients closely is only the option. When doctors going to use telemedicine services, examining the patients become quite difficult. So it’s also the challenge of veterinary telemedicine. Although an experienced veterinarian or doctor has the ability to treat his patients by hearing the sign from the owners.

The acceptance rate in the owners is one of the big questions. Either it happens for the lack of knowledge or availability of the tools to use for consults like internet or mobile-phone technology.

  • The first question is? Our farmers are not much educated like American farmers or pet owners, so acquiring belief is the toughest point. It’s to depend on a farmer’s past experience or knowledge on it.
  • The second question? We are not as much as developed in communication technology like the developed country. Although having a mobile phone is common but additionally, internet connection or other communication-related things are rare in Bangladesh. So its also the challenging point to connect with the owner fully according to doctors’ needs.
  • One thing we can’t ignore as a developing country, rumors or faking tendency is the common features of such a country like Bangladesh. So It’s no clear either someone take the opportunity or not. It may occur, because it’s quite easy to cheat the owner and which finally added to the owner’s beliefs.


Having a lot of challenges, there’s a lot of opportunities that have also been established opening telemedicine services in veterinary practices and it gives a clear green light of its bright future.

According to Wikipedia, about 2.9% of the national GDP is covered by the livestock sector, and its annual rate of growth is 5.5%. About 20% of the population of Bangladesh earn their livelihood through work associated with raising cattle and poultry. The current statistics show that in Bangladesh  25.7 million cattle, 0.83 million buffaloes, 14.8 million goats, 1.9 million sheep, 118.7 million chicken. So we can easily observe how important veterinary services are in contrast to Bangladesh.

Day by day more peoples are engaging with it to become self-employed. So telemedicine in veterinary practices can open a new window.

  • As the government appreciates and giving the subsidy on both the telecommunication sector and livestock sector, so it’s a chance to open telemedicine services every corner of Bangladesh rapidly.
  • Another thing, it’s quite easy to long time monitoring of the patients without getting physical contact, it will save Money both the owners of the patient and the veterinarian.
  • Thirdly it can also open a new sector for the veterinarian who is trying to get involved in-field practices.

Above all discussion there’s we see a clear picture of the opportunity and limitations of veterinarian telemedicine services in Bangladesh. But one thing to add, Until the owner and doctors don’t come to the same points this is not possible to establish its rapidly in Bangladesh as well as worldwide.

So finally, we can say that having a lot of opportunities, if veterinarians and the authorities come forward to speared it every corner of the country, Its possible and can add a great impact on our economy.

Rony Ibne Masud
Faculty of Veterinary science
Bangladesh agricultural university,Mymensingh-2202


The Simplest Meaning of Love


What is the Simplest Meaning of Love? Love is from another realm. If you cannot love, you cannot live. It is a common language of mankind. In fact, it is one of the nicest gifts to us from the Almighty.

But this word sometimes seems ambiguous to us. Sometimes it means to dote on somebody, sometimes it means to act responsibly, other times it seems like a word that never exists. Actually, the most accurate meaning of love is to act responsibly. If you perform your responsibilities, the whole world seems like an amazing place. Responsibilities make our life interesting and accomplishing them make our life meaningful.

Let’s try to get this idea from three different contexts. This discussion may arise some questions. Hopefully, the concluding part of this article would be able to answer them.

Starting with the context of a romantic couple. In one of his books, Mark Manson pointed out two aspects of a healthy relationship-

1. People in a healthy relationship will take responsibility for their own values and problems, and not take responsibility for their partner’s values and problems.
2. Each individual should have the courage to move on if any severance happens.
Doting on somebody is really unimportant. If the balance of meeting responsibilities is not maintained, then it hampers the other aspects of an individual. Moreover, we can get a clearer view of a postmarital relationship. After marriage, you have to perform as a responsible spouse and responsible parent as well. You can bind your family only if you can meet your responsibilities.

We, the teenagers do not necessarily need to express our love towards our parents through our words. Fulfilling our responsibilities expresses it. When we come to the edge of teenagers, we achieve unusual freedom. Suddenly, We start to learn how to look after our own. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with this freedom. Everyone chooses their own path of life. But we must come back to our parents when they need us the most. The completion of our filial responsibilities defines our love for our parents.

The last context is a more intense one. It refers to our current condition when we are dealing with the Novel Coronavirus. The only prevention from this disease is to maintain social distance. Thus, social media has become an inevitable part of our daily life. This COVID-19 might be an issue, But everybody is facing their problems solely. Even a hedonist would feel irritated to pass this lonely time. In this context, We must try to share our thoughts with each person we know. Here prioritizing someone is unnecessary. We must believe that our words have incredible power. Even a devastated troop can be shaken to life by the words of a leader.

In the final analysis, I would bring up one of the most prominent theories of Socrates. He claimed that ‘a divine voice’ inside him used to lead him and that ‘conscience’ told him what is right and what is not. Perhaps that divine voice dwells in everyone’s heart. A recidivist would never be happy about his committed crimes. His conscience must talk to him otherwise. If we can follow our conscience we can do the right thing.

If you are still searching for the simplest meaning of love, I suggest, don’t. Just act responsibly. For meeting those responsibilities makes your life a meaningful one.

Tahmid Wasit
Class 12.

An imaginary recollection of the Hiroshima incident


40 Years of Tadashi

An imaginary recollection of the Hiroshima incident.

The horizon suddenly starts to become familiar to Tadashi. It is familiar not in the sense of its change rather in its existence. A token from the past. Forty years is no short time and it has been since then, that he, Tadashi, for the first time, is seeing the city of Hiroshima.

While the car advances, he glances around. Most of the buildings are new. And is full of unknown people. His eyes start to look for the tea shop of Shirakawa, the place where he used to have his daydreams of a magnificent future. The old pub and the market are also not visible.

In its place, some high rise towers have dominance. Entering the city, the car takes a sharp turn and heads to an apartment nearby.’ There was a playground here‘, Tadashi mumbles.

Coming out of the car, Tadashi steps on the soil. He is instantly swept by hundreds of feelings.Melancholy.Joy.Fear.Sadness.And hope. He looks back and sees the road. This is the very same road. Forty years back, the road was just the same. The only difference? It was rather muddy.

Now, it is cemented.’ The work of an engineer’, he keeps on muttering. There is so much activity, peace is somewhat a stranger. It used to be peaceful back then.

Even today,6 August 1989, Tadashi can hear the planes hovering and the city going numb. Within minutes, the cacophony was obliterated. And the air started to breathe more debris than peace it had been spreading the morning. Chaos started to linger. Someone, somewhere let out a sharp cry.

Lucky for Tadashi, he was in a car leaving the city. He signaled the driver to stop the car to figure out what was going on. It was then a block of cement hurled toward the car.

The driver instantly drove the car, at full speed, out of the city. The car had suffered some minor damage, but for Tadashi, it wasn’t the same.

He gets up from the balcony while recollecting memories. The balcony has an amazing view of the city. He stretches his legs at both sides. He hears a metallic creak.

‘It has been forty years’, he winks at his prosthetic limbs.

Writer: Fahian Al Badar

Teenage Quarantine Tips to make effective


Teenage Quarantine Tips to make effective. Do you feel alone in this pandemic situation? Experience of having psychological distress, depression, and anxiety? Then why don’t you make a plan to spend the quarantine day’s effective and enjoyable? You may not know there is plenty of options for teenagers to stay engaged with both themselves and the outside world when stuck indoors. Just take it easy and set up your mind, It’s not cursed, It’s a blessing.

Here I’ll suggest you some tips which really help you find new and creative ways to stay mentally healthy in this critical situation.

Spend time to read:

You may feel bored most of the time you are not getting extra time to read something outside your academics. So that’s the chance, just catch the time, enjoy the moment with famous writer’s writings which may broaden your knowledge and help to gather something new. As we’re living in the era of Modern science, It’s just a moment to collect any of a book either soft copy or hard copy. So why don’t you fix a time for reading?

Update your resume :

Updating your resume is also a great task. You know It’s hard, time-consuming and you have to cheek it up by several people. So It’s the time to grab the opportunity. You may also connect with online courses, which may also help you to enrich your knowledge as well as your CV.So just have a strong effort, try to maintain regularity, after quarantine-surely you’ll get ready an excellent CV.

Paint, draw, and craft:

This is surely an important task you can do for your own satisfaction. Try to make something creative, draw on your bedroom walls. This helps you to keep busy and refresh your mind too. You can also share your idea and creativity on social media, which may help you to encourage others and stay connected with your friends and well-wishers.

Go for green:

It’s time to prove yourself as an environmentally conscious one. You can make a small window garden of plants and flowers. You can make use of your household waste materials and convert them into eco-friendly something. Just use discarded plastic bottles, cooking oil cans, plastic containers to make planters. Use a glass bottle to grow the Money plant in a hydroponic way.

Concentrate on your health :

A long vacation, so why don’t you think spending sometimes to pay attention to your health. There are several types of exercise are available to practice at home. Just make a routine, try to maintain it. You may also follow your dieting chart. If you want to move on it, you may search on google or watch videos on YouTube.Which may help you to reach your goal.

As a teenager, staying home for a long period, leaving friends is quite hard, So try to concentrate on it and make your quarantine effective.

Writer: Rony Ibne Masud
Faculty of Veterinary science
Bangladesh agricultural university, Mymensingh-2202